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Saturday, March 31, 2007

was at home during the morning. rather bored had nothing much to do so was meddling around with this blog hehe. why did i stay at home you may ask, well it began like this.
because of a dumb excuse that she cannot finish the house work, mum hired a domestic helper called mrs rajah. and that since she needed to go out, i had to stay at home to supervise the domestic helper. poor me well on the bright side i have unlimited time on the computer. well la dee da, after that went to tuition a rather normal saturday for me. tuition was as the usual sit alone and listen to the teacher well except that i fell asleep for about 5 mins. then instead of going to cell since today was some special programme of going for a nuture walk which started at 3, i went out with jas and briana.
we went to giant (tampines) well infact they were at giant and i was looking for them. it's like playing hide and seek. after walking a few rounds a round that big super market, i found them at the media centre. they were staring at the mp4 that briana bought like urm 2 days ago? not sure well its practicallt brand new. so we just stood there staring and briana suggested to go to simei. and we went. 1st we visited the pet safari. whooooo the pets all looks so retarded (which in turns means cute). i was giggling, i'm using the word giggling lol. so we were staring at the pet when this very friendly pet owner came. and the frooooking dog was so how do girls put it oh KAWAIIIIII lol. and we were like snapping picture of the cute dumbo dog. here is the conversation of the owner and jasmine.

us: whoooo so cute *takes out handphone and goes snap snap snap*
jasmine-the dog: wei look here look here.
owner: do you want to carry the dog while i take the picture of you and the doggy.
jasmine: ar? never mind bah, i scared later the dog run away while i carrying it.
owner: the dog won't run away
us:*snap snap snap*
well that was what happen and the owner was like a total stranger to us. oh by the way we were talking about the dog making friend at the pet safari. i know it sounds abit lame but we were like the dog come to the pet safari make alota friends lol. oh and we saw two dogs that were madly in love. well maybe the male but their owners were trying to seperate them and when they did the male was barking madly. ooo so sweeet~~~ then we went to this fashion.

we went to simei's this fasion to try and get briana more girly clothes. all her clothes are pants shirt pants shirt. so we were like forcing her to take sleeveless shirt and wear a skirt lol. well since she calles herself a scottish. since scottish wears a kilt but instead she didn' even tried it. gosh briana why didn't you. and jas was like hey this shirt nice, hey that skirt is nice . lol it was fun. then jas suggested we go to paya lebar the bigger this fasion. so we went since my gma house was near there. so we were there again doing the same ol thing, briana this is nice. we were getting her a new wardrobe. then i left to go to my granmothers house standard routine. my cousins were like playing some teddy bear game. it was pretty easy except that the bloodied mouse is too sensitive. lol well it was my first time playing and i got a silver WOW silver you know. imagine if syf we got a silver, the rest of the dumb performing arts group will have to shut their trap about they having a silver. they were like what did the rest of the members said ar exaggerating it. i got a silver turning bronze into silver, silver into gold and gold into a 48 carat diamond LOL. so back to the topic i was at my grandmother house who boy always cook loads. well i know she loves me and i love her to. shes like 70+ and she still gets up and bother's to cook for us im so touch. love you granny though i know you wont be able to read this.

here are the pictures of the day.

two dumb dogs

looks rather timid

whoa nice poise
full of hairs
*chew chew*

the nice owners dog

| Into My Thoughts @ 9:52 PM |

Friday, March 30, 2007

and all the honours would go to nicole, nikky wikky, grandmother, miss potty and nikiko all of which is the same person. this blog was done entirely by her including the blogskin. you rock nicole. and im feeling rather bad for giving you two lines of credit lol. so let me give you more. thanks to nicole for fixing the mess i made which i think would be extremely horrid cause i like totally disabled the blogs function lol.

so now poor nicole shall get no more credits from me and lets begin today's story:

now today was another ordinary day. well except during last period POA (the period, which i could say, nobody understands the things the teacher is saying. my classmate don't know who got a water gun from the next door class. like this is what we call reliving the childhood days. so he took it and played with it, but ALAS poor him had to surrender the water gun to mr teo (my POA teacher). now mr teo being like maybe 50+ not sure ( he has white hairs) while catching my classmate said something like this. "(some one's name) i see you are in the possesion of something illegal." which in turn he meant the law of not having gun's in singapore. so mr teo confiscated the water gun and here comes the funny part. we were all given work to do. and as usual those slack up would not be doing it and being 50+ mr teo would know. so he took the water gun which was loaded with loads of ammunition, went around to shoot the people who were nto doing his work and by shoot i mean shooting the water at them ha has. that was indeed funny and thus me and briana contracted the disease which we call laughing disease(briana's sitting next to me).

so school ended and poor ol me had drama at 2 o' clock and the time was like 1.15 since i had a re-test before that. (thats my cca for all those people who still dont know). and poor ol me had none of my kinda close friends, jordan the pineapple went to the movies with his friends, jasmine and briana the banana went to simei to i think shop shop. bryon the baron beer went home as usual (he's a good boy everybody learn from him lol). if i'm right shu yuan went home not sure where she went, stanley had his own cca st john's. and well ying she went home to study (good girl learn from her lol). so i went roaming around like some disowned kid. and with luck manage to find my drama best friend AMIRAH woots~ she was at the study bench with gabrielle the gaby (another drama friend) so i sat around and hang with them. gaby had like this dead lizard which she left at the table. gosh you can see its skeleton. amirah and gaby went around scaring people with the lizard ha ha you guys rock man!!! and ALAS 2 o'clock came and i had to go for drama. i luugged myself all the way to the spial staircase which in turn 3/4 of the drama people waited for a few more members to show up. and during that time i was laughing at stanley who was at the 2nd floor conducting some marching thingy (st john's stuff, i know i'm bad). he look so retarded lol laughed my head off. 1/2 and hour came and went and at 2.30 pm we were gave up waiting and went to jermaine's classroom for the practice (another sexy drama person). so we were giving crap during rehersals like ha has adding non-existen line here and there until the dreadful break time. we had a 15 minutes break from all the crapping from khai , cam and jerm. so i went down to get some food. and on the way back i met ASHRAF the ex gvss student and ex drama member of only 3 months. i dragged him up with me to the classroom and the training, got serious (because we had an audience lol). then we had critics normal procudure getting bored of the critics ha has its so boring to listen to critism. even though you know its meant to be good byut after hearing all the crictism its like you will know right after rehersals crictic time! like a routine lol. any spy would know, rountine is one thing that get people killed. so lets say if i was under some wanted thingy, it would be likeduring cricitc time i get murdered lol just joking.

drama ended with a dead exhausted me lugging myself, all the way to pasir ris central to get NOURISHMENTS. this is what you call going towards an oasis in the middle of the dessert drying of thirst lol. so i got myself a cup of bubble tea as nourishment. and then the same ol thing happens climb up the overhead bridge, go down the overhead bridge, sit and wait for the bus and then go home. why was i alone you may ask well some of them had to go to downtown which included mein (i dont know how to spell his name so it shall be in short form) who takes the same bus with me. then on the bus being the clumsy old me, i almost trip and fell. luckily my bubble tea didn't spill or i would be cursing the bus driver.(hmm but if you think again cursing him would be wasting my precious energy which i have already used about all). countdown to syf 6 more days.

| Into My Thoughts @ 9:25 PM |

The honour of thw first words here in order for me to be able to preview the mess you've done o.0"

| Into My Thoughts @ 8:01 AM |