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Saturday, June 30, 2007

yesterday went to watch transformers. its nice people ignore the dumb newspaper review. its so nice so inbetween the autobots and the decepticons like duh, the decepticons were much stronger. the autobots like had only 5 or 6 memebers while the decepticons had like tons of members. i think about 7 or 8.

i was so thrilled 1 of the chase scenes, THEY USED THE SONG TRACK OF PRETTY HANDSOME AWKWARD FROM THE USED LATEST ALBUM LIES FOR THE LIARS !!!!! omg i went like god this soundtrack is from the used . well the transformers show must have been created very recently considering all the new songs that have been used including linkin park's what i've done at the end. well it was pretty nice.

so those who have watched transformers since young would know that they weren't cars before. they were animals and nice the show showed how they switch from the animal bodies to the car. well not exactly. its like urm it shows how he bots get into the cars ^^ and god those bots have a good sense of taste for cars except optimus who chosen the truck lol.

watched the show with tingwei, nicole and zheng kang. god this is like the 1st time im meeting zheng kang and he's nice ^^. so after the show ate dinner and went home. ting wei needed to go home for dinner but she waited for me to finish my dinner at tampines mall. well i sort of bugged her to go home with me. so we reached the intechange AND TOOK THE WRONG BUS!!!!!! WE TOOK 358 INSTEAD OF 359 god.!! so we alighted at like urm siglap sec realising we took the wrong bus. god so we walked like from siglap sec to white water nice i went inside the condo ^^ with tingwei. so i like sort of walked her home which was like a bit cheating cause i used the condo to cut to my house. its like faster than cutting across west plaze and also the scenery is nicer. ^^ i saw the swiming pools its absurbly nice !!!! and i think i went a little bit over. the other day i went to nicole's house and went like this is nice this is nice then i went to ting wei's house, and went like this is nice this is nice. well sort of i didn't enter her house i was like just downstairs walking towards the other gate.

| Into My Thoughts @ 11:05 AM |

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

ha has people are bugging me to get age of mythology ha has. i enjoy it too so it is age of mythology. i cant believe nicole plays it.

so today bag is freaking heavy all right. dumb new time table. only friday is light!!!! friday isnt all that good too. its like POA is before pe and if friday rains god then there will be 3 periods of POA!!! its like 2 period acan already totally drain someone and now 3 noooooooooo.

anyway nothing much today. didnt go out with the gang after school. went instead to the library to eat homework with amirah my drama bestest friend ^^. so did it until like 3 more minutes to drama. so then went straight to drama.

the drama gang was being seriously sick today. two of the members went around smacking boobs -.- and its like so horrible they go around whacking it or whatever and like when the girl runs they chase lol. god.

so that ends another tiring day of a typical drama day chow people!

| Into My Thoughts @ 8:36 PM |

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


yesterday a big gang came to my house. my gang and 1 sec 1. taufik, shuyuan, briana, jasmine, sandra and the teeny tiny sec 1 jun hong. so they came over to play lol. briana wanted to come over and chiong maple. SHE IS TOTALLY ADDICTED MAN. I DONT EVEN DO THAT. so they came over and trashed the house. somehow they wanted to drink wine. the wine in my house was like 40% alcholic. lol 1 mouthful= drunk. so i couldnt open he wine could i. it belongs to my step so i totally cant let them. anyway it will be wrong if i did so nope. so then they came shuyuan came and left. she was like only here for 10mins or so. (she came to use the toilet lol)

briana was hogging the compurter on maple that jasmine and sandra went to pull her away. then sandra went to the next room to play the computer. then we did what we always do WATCH DUMB VIDEOS ON YOUTUBE!!!!!! ha has we laughed like some mad people.

so while briana was hogging the computer or so i went to pack my bag. and then realised the next day that i didnt bring my maths text book and social studies text book. phoooey this proves something. (never do something while you are distracted) ha has . so today i was like in deep trouble. luckily ss teacher didn't use the textbook and the maths teacher is nice ^^ so im save ha has.

got to read that stupid dumb book. wo si wo zai. stupid chinese book. but its rather nice lol.

I GOT STORMBREAKER VCD!!!! sadly there wasn't a dvd. bryon was such an ass. he had the disc and didnt even tell me. what an ass. ok ALEX RIDER IS SO HOT!!!! please dont think at a 90 degree angle. girls would totally say that. and the show plot wasn't that good. and the phrase on the front of the vcd said you're never young too die. WTH CAN. the book says YOU'RE NEVER TOO YOUNG TO DIE!!! omg the person who done the movie didn't do it well. EEEEK I STILL CANT BELIEVE THEY MISSED THE WORD TOO OMG!!!!!!

so the princess bug of the empty kingdom has just signed to contract of not ignoring me for more than 4 hrs unless necesarry. dang and i did too. gosh if i go back on my words I'LL HAVE TO TREAT HER TO A MOVIE!!!!! i was like chatting with her today in class and briana saw me smsing and she went who is that who is that!. how nosey lol. well i do that too anyway.

im so dead now. I DIDN'T CUT MY HAIR AND SO DIDN'T JORDAN. his hair is just shorter than mine by a little. god lets hope tomorrow rains. if not we would like be called up to get our hair cut by the dm!!! lets see what happens tomorrow. shoots jordan is back in dota and my comp crash resulting in me not able to play dota. wth can. i so want to play dota. i want to trash jordan that weakling who always uses str heroes lol. hmm the dota team of 2e2 JHO JORDAN AND NORMAN. INT USER, AGI USER AND STR USER. and all pro but not as pro as that person who is now in austrailia =P

so now im battling over whether to get a battle chest, age of mythology or counter strike con zero arrr and i let 50 bucks from my pay god. oh well got to think real hard. anyway cant really play games nowsadays the teachers a being extremely evil. they are pushing us like made. and they will chant the 2 words o level o level almost every single day ARGH IM GOING TO DIE

so thats all for today and tomorows bag is freaking heavy. AND WANZHEN GET BACK UP ON YOUR OWN 2 FEET WITH YOUR ESTEEM UP TO A MILLION !!!!!

| Into My Thoughts @ 4:17 PM |

Thursday, June 21, 2007

this is all that i've got and i thank you for being there. the cut has been wounded so deep that there is totally no pain. i thank you for being there for me my great never met and met once friends and the great bird and cat. you all have been of great help through my difficult times. and i thank you four for being there for me.

i cant do no more for this family and i shall just leave it be. i shall create a whole new world with my hands and may it inspire the world to become a better place.

the silver arrow, the dead person, the day eater, the inrinsic genome, the end, the because, the returned, the forgone, the dark empire, the angel of doom, the devil of hope all eleven shall return from the legends they have once been known for to form a new legacy till eternity

and when all eleven comes together a new empire will be form a new legacy a new beginning and a new end shall be created. and seventeen unique heroes will rise up burying their past to be one of the greatest legend the world has ever seen

| Into My Thoughts @ 9:56 PM |

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

got back from hong kong yeserday. met someone nice and someone gay. that gay person i shall talk about him later.

1st day reached hong kong and i totally forgot where we went after that. I WATCHED BRIDGE TO TERBITHIA OK!!! IT WAS ABSOLUTELY DELECTABLE!!!!! I CRIED!!! its so sad. dang anyway it was rather a normal trip. nothing much interesting happened except for disney land. DISNEY LAND WAS AMAZING if you mind the translation of the shows. i was totally awed by that lion king show it was absolutely amazing.

let me tell you guys something absolutely amazing that will make you roll on he floor laughing.

on some day in hong kong im not sure which, we took a 1hr 40 min ++ ride up to this mountain for lunch. the guide was commenting about their beancurd over there that it was made from spring water and was absolutely delicious. so whatever we went up that sick mountain of course and what happened. the person told us that the beancurd wasn't ready and will only be ready at 1 o:clock so we were all hungry as it was lunch time and guessed what we eat!!!!! INSTANT NOODLES WITH EGG AND HAM!!!!! aftet a freaking boring ride of 1hr normally people would expect something nice for lunch and what did we eat INSTANT NOODLES!!!!! its utter crap insant noodles gosh and we had to pay for it !!!! that was extremely horrific!! dang was it crappy.

so whatever the rest of the trips arent worth mentioning. pictures shall be posted once i obtain the sick camera from that stranger. well you all should know who he is.

so lets talk about the nice person i met. her name is rachel and sooooooo wanzhen was absolutely right. i do get along better with girls. so i was like sitting beside her at that sastic best performance in shenzhen thingy and there was this cute!! little boy infront of us. so we started talking and there we became friends. shes really nice and her attitude was totally exact as wanzhen's rachel ha has so i was like is this the rachel is spoke to lol.

so now this gay person well somehow he spoke to me on the third day. asking me normal questions k at least its normal. than he gave me he's contact number and i will not be disclosing the message in the paper unless i show it to you. not safe to blog it here. and than after 2 days he wrote me a letter!!!!! some super long letter that really proves he is gay.

come find me if you guys wana see the letter for now chow!

| Into My Thoughts @ 10:56 AM |

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Today, i shall blog about what happened yesterday.

yesterday, went to he very 1st guild real life outing 2007. and pfft not many new members turned up. only 1. Fero turned up. god only 1 new member. the rest would be the super original guild members cause now the guild in in havoc with all these funny people coming in for guild pq -.- . how dumb is that.

ok so the six of us, nikiko a.k.a nicole, snow a.k.a ting wei, violet a.k.a ying, bear a.k.a alisa, fero a.k.a something i tottaly dont know how to spell his name lalala and of cause dead a.k.a ME!!!! we went to jurong ice skating rink. and i dont know why when i stepped in, those who had been to my house the day before which was nicole and ting wei started to freeze. nicole went like blame your airconditioner. it was cooling wasn't it nicole and ting wei??

so the entrance fee was rubbish full. next time when we go ice skating nicole and ting wei, MAKE IT A MULTILE OF 4 FORCE PEOPLE TO GO. lol its so expensive for a student entry for 2 hours and if you go over time, you get extra charge!!!! not worth it. but if you go in by the group of four packag, its extremely worth it.

so went in and started to ice skate. im amazed after not ice skating for one year i still can skate woots. still i dont know how to skate properly by the V shape method rubbish. i just use the jagged part at the tip of the blade and push my self forward. See not everybody need to do the V-shape method. =P fell a few times though . nicole and ting wei and ying already knew how to skate pretty well. alisa and I were just begginers and well fero was NOOOOOOOOOOB lol. he couldn't skate but he managed to learn in the end. so i managed to spin you know. ying saw it but it was not that all magnificent like those you see in disney on ice i just made a 180 degree turn. but its nice. nicole and ting wei started calling me santa claus because of one nice reason i was wearing my whitish jacket and my red gloves. so they went like SANTA CLAUS!!!!1 WHERE'S MY PRESENT. hey its not even christmas. they were like bugging e next guild outing on christmas you better wear this jacket and the gloves and we will get you the santa hat lol. did i mention fero looks like philo lol. so we skated like morons until the stupid ice got all wrecked up. the ice once badly scratched would make my method of skating difficult as i would require a lets say a small art of non-damage ice to push me forward. ok so whatever i started to fall. =) even ying said the ice was badly damaged. so we went to have a 20 minutes break while the man smoothen up the ice.

somehow inbetween the skating, fero passed alisa this prepaid card and somehow after he passed it to her, alisa started falling on the ice. so ying went like this the prepaid card is a curse!!! yeah she somehow started losing her balanc eand she kept falling. poor girl she hurt herself badly i think. i only scraped my skin due to tightness of the boots and ting wei well ting wei got a bad bad bad cut on her leg poor poor girls. HEAL TING WEI'S LEG AND ALISA'S TOO lol.

after that, we went to pizza hut for lunch. pizza hut in jurong wasnt that good. go to somer set's pizza hut. its so much better. nicole and i somehow added on a beef lasagne and we were complaining like how small was it. it was so small ok. not like the one in somer set it covered the whole aluminium foil . the beef lasagne in jurong was like covering only half the aluminui foil pfft. the pizza wasn't bad and we were like ok half the staff over there are part time jobbers-nicole i corrected her lol i told her aint it part timers lol. or are we both wrong ha has.

so than i went to nicole's house with ting wei. and her house was like totally awesome!!!! her mum tottaly forgot that she chatted with me once. oh well whatever. her house is totally awesome. its like located in some totally ulu place. so we went in and i was like admiring her window in which she always complains about. the window is totally awesome. its like facing the air hole. so i was like its nice!!! i think im just too dumb. i haven't seen a window like that so i was like totally facinated. and nicoles room well her room is IKEAD. her whole room is filled with ikea stuff. i went like hey this is from ikea and that too. and this and that. ha has i think i totally pissed ting wei and nicole off on the ikea stuff. than i found a bone fish in which nicole had lost i think. it was flexible!!! i went like this is fun and startd vibrating it. her room is sooooooooooo sooooooo soooooo awesome. oh and nicole has the same printer that i have!.

so i got home after that and the first thing was that i got nagged at! its rubbish can just as eillen said my m.o.m doesn't give me a single bloody respect! and know im starting to hate that stupid step of mine. you know what yesterday he just started throwing his authority arounf k now i totally hate him. his even worse than my brother.

thats all for today oh and I LOVE GREEK MYTHOLOGY !!!!!!

| Into My Thoughts @ 3:26 PM |

Monday, June 11, 2007

today people, nicole and ting wei came to my house. isn't that neat.

somehow i was dying from boredom at home. i was stuck with homework homework and more homework. so was doing it like an ox. so i messeged nicole asking what time to meet tomorrow. TURNS OUT she was staying over at ting wei's house !! than never invite me to play !!!!!! never mind . since they come from an all girls school, imagine her mum asking who am i. won't i be dead. somehow they were like going to whitesands so i bugged them to come and visit me. COME ON I STAY OPPOSITE OF THEM. so they came for like 45 mins ++ than they went over to whitesands. so that was all that happen today k chow people.


| Into My Thoughts @ 7:38 PM |

Friday, June 8, 2007

this is a special post to my greatest never met friend WAN ZHEN currently wz

i don't know why but i just enjoy talking to her lol shes a very nice person all right.

today she asked me this very weird quesiton over msn. she asked me

"why are you so nice to me even though i'm always so female doggish(i changed the word) and i always tease you and i always make fun of you and all that. (ARGH I CANT REMEMBER WHAT SHE SAID)"

well i said

cause you're a very nice person and i dont know why i enjoy talking to you. ok i know that sounds corny but she really is very nice.

today she asked me a extremely female doggish question. she asked me this
HER:"do you have a credit card"
i thought for a while than i said this
if i'm right she started laughing like mad. she said this
HER: " your reaction is so funny"
so i was like why do youu ask anyway she said
HER: " i plan to go shopping online, my best friend gave me her pin number." i was like ok....
i said this
ME:" oh but too bad wz even if i wanted to i couldn't help you"
ME:"you see i kind of forgotten my pin number"
ME:"and my credit card is locked in some deep dark place" (my mum keeps it what can i do *shrugs*)

oh well at least i had an extremey fantastic chat with my greatest never met friend WAN ZHEN

| Into My Thoughts @ 8:03 PM |

ok i know something is wrong with the previous post. i don't know what happen lol we shall leave it as it is. ok so today was a damn boring day until that fag came back. let me give you a daily exmaple of my life when i'm at home.

step 1 wake up and do the rest of the things required
step 2 on the comp
step 3 either play or do homework
step 4 go for lunch
step 5 continue playing or do homework
step 6 cook
step 7 someone comes home (finishe eating dinner)
step 8 rest all the way

isn't that nice. i know i totally have no life. oh well whatever. you know what did that fag scold me for today. she scolded me for 3 bloody minor thing.

FIRSTLY not calling him dad AGAIN!
SECONDLY not buying a new bag!
THIRDLY not reading newpaper!

aint those 3 reasons rubbish?

let me show you what happen today ok it shall be convo and convo only

fag: (presses doorbell)
me: (didn't hear as was washing the pots and pans)
fag: JONATHAN!!!!
me: (goes over and opens the door)
fag: (comes in and goes straight to the room)
me: (continues eating and watches SPONGEBOB!)
fag: i'm very dissapointed in you
me: (ignores continue watching spongebob)
fag: (starts to raise her voice)
me: (continue watching spongebob) p.s who woldn't spongebob is so much more entertaining than her.
fag: i dont care you better call him dad by today!! *the exclaimation marks means a lot*
fag: there is no more dateline today is the dateline!!
fag: and when you call him you better call him so that it can be heard ok!!!

think thats the end of it?? lets check it out shall we is it scene 2 the bag or this topic again

fag: oi are you listening to me!
me: ah
fag: i tell you horh later he come back you better call him dad, im getting very pissed with you!
fag: i lost my trust in you already!
me:^piss tio piss la my prob is it^
fag: (goes and bathe)
fag: (comes out of the toilet goes into the room and starts doing stuff)
me: (spongebob ends switch to so you think you can dance)
fag: jonathan can pass me the scissors?~~~~ ^as you can see the very nice tone all of a sudden^

so thats the end of the bloody scene one. can't really the exact word she said but the meaning is all there and the word piss was there oh and the word bloody was inside too just cant remember which sentence it belongs to. i think it belonged to I DONT BLOODY CARE that part.


fag: (comes out of the room)
fag: i tell you horh you better buy that bag before we go hong kong
me: (watches so you think you can dance) ^like i want to go...^
fag: you hear me a not!! ^as you can see poor english is all around my house so i have no choice but to rebuke back in poor english^
me: buy for what still can use what! ^as you can see i'm rather pissed off by now^
fag: you bag the zip spoil later invite more trouble!!!
fag: later we go hong kong invite lots of problem!!! ^well this part i can understand look at the next thing she says^
fag: you can spend the whole day on the comp why dont you go out and buy your bag.
me: ^really pissed off by now^ MY HOMEWORK HAS TO BE DONE ON THE COMP RIGHT!!!!! ^this natuarally happens when im rather pissed proper english comes out but, in a very loud voice
fag: you dont argue with me ok1
me: ^its not like i dont want to buy can! it like i have no time to go out. there are tons of homework!!!^
fag: i dont care you better get a bag before we go hong kong!!!!
me: ^bloody pissed off^ (continues watching so you think you can dance)

than suddenly this happens

fag: you get that bag before we go hong kong kay~~~~ ^aw isn't that nice another nice tone voice right after yelling at me^


fag: you read the new paper ready not!
me: *coldly* NO
fag: you know how important the newpaper is right!!!!!
me: (not replying her)
fag: you know upper sec already you know that current affairs is very important!!!
me: (continues to watch so you think you can dance)
fag: you whole day got time to watch tv don't tell me you know time to read newpaper!!!!
me: ^now im very very very pissed off^ ^in my head you can go and die^ (its like i only watches tv during eating hours meaning lunch and dinner, i dont eat breakfast)
fag: CONTINUES SCREAMING ( i totally dont know what she said at this part i totally shut my ears)

wasn't that neat!
blur so you still want my mum? i dont mind switching

| Into My Thoughts @ 7:33 PM |

Thursday, June 7, 2007

i'm rather pissed now alright. let me ask you all a simple question. what does human rights mean. if you guys don't know the answer i suggest you go back to primary school. human rights is the rights we get where we can differenciate right and wrong where we choose what we want to do.


i can;t freaking belive my m.o.m is still forcing me to call him the three letter word that starts with d. ok im getting rather pissed you stupid contradicting person. you know before she started this crap what did she tell me? she told me I QUOTE K I QUOTE"IM NOT GONA FORCE YOU TO CALL HIM DAD JUST AS LONG AS YOU CALL HIM DAD EVAUNTUALLY" thats what she said previously now lets seee what she says all right."I'M VERY DISSAPOINTED IN YOU. IF YOU DO NOT DO WHAT I TOLD YOU TO DO BY TOMORROW, I WILL IGNORE YOU ignore than go ahead i dont care anymore

freak bag i really dont give a dam anymore. let me tell you something ok. the missionary in my church STARTS TO PREACH ME ABOUT NOT CALLING HIM DAD!!! WHAT RUBBISH IS THIS. i dont call him its not like its the missionary problem right! wha rubbish is this. i wont be surprised if the pastor next comes and have a so call "chat with me' i totally give up on this family already. this is absurbly rubbish! RUBBISH I TELL YOU! RUBBISH!

| Into My Thoughts @ 8:07 PM |

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

OK PEOPLE I KNOW I HAVENT BEEN BLOGGING. so sorry people been extremely busy. today is like tuesday right. lets hope im right.

so yesterday went to watch P.O.C 3. its nice people. damn to the depths to the person who only rated it two stars on the newpaper. do not believe in crap unless you've witness true crap. so its really nice can. the 2 stars for pirates of the carribean isn't two stars at all. if you do not understand mythology that is. than you would not know who is calipso, why worlds end is a giant waterfall and why its sundown not sun set. PEOPLE MYTHOLOGY IS A NICE THING OK. so if you understood mythology you would know what is the kraken and who commands it althought it isn't really commanded by davey jones in greek mythology. its commanded by a god name poseidon for petes sake. and if im right calipso lets hope i spell correctly is a demi god. means not full god. so thats why she can be bound by mortals. the show clearly shows the director understanding of mythlogy. good man that person is. ok so my favourite characther in that show is definitely madam cheng. rofl. she funny people. the china pirate lord ha has. absolutely comical she is.

so enough of p.o.c 3 and the rubbish of mythlogy. now previous day. last day of suntec it fair. SUNDAY. i was working there. and the people there are really nice. i met very very nice people even though they are older =P. so from alphabetical order lets hope i'm right. dennis a very nice person poly guy i think. eileen a U student also very nice. kah hwee also known ask langawi (ok i know im evil but like almost everyone there calles him that). than there is er tian yi. another U student. and finally wei jian didn't talk to him much but he's nice too. ok let me say something. if you want to train on going shopping with girls and earn some cold hard cash than you should go and work at the IT FAIR. k i stood there from opening to closing. no chair ok. and i didn't ate lunch. dinner was a subway sandwich. k i just love the guys there all very nice people. ok so it was like the last day of the it fair and the 1st day of my working at a it fair. its fun la.but remember too bring extra strepsils if you work. speaking with 3 loud speakers blasting is not that easy ok. most of the people there lost their voice. sad. eileen got sick can. due to it fair. GET WELL SOON EILEEN. JORDAN GET BACK YOUR VOICE TOO. ok it fair was fun. so i met this guy while going to gym with jordan some fine day. alvin. his a very nice guy kay. anyway alvin was at the it fair that day. and he was doing silly stuff. he was there before the opening. hehe we snucked him in. alvin walked one round from the entrance to the end during the opening to get what. FLYERS HA HAS. my colleagues say he no. 1 cleaner ha has. he walked 1 round only and came back with a stack of flyers. isn't that neat ha has. so nice of the two girls who would have visited us. its nice of them la even though i didn't talk to them much that day. SO SORRY . was very busy that day. sorry sorry jasmine and briana.

you know what happen today. when my current step went into the bathroom, my mum came in and started lecturing me on not calling him dad again. ITS MY LIFE PEOPLE I CALL WHO I WANT TO CALL AND NOT WHO YOU WANT ME TO CALL YOU FREAK.!!!! i dont care how nice he treats me can. if he was me past dad i dont mind callling him dad. BUT NOT SOME STRANGER YOU FREAKISH PERSON. currenly shes nagging at me asking me to shut down the computer. what?! this is my life i rule my life not you dummy. went to maple today. so cool. today was the very 1st day i went to a party quest can. and i died 3 times. 1 time because of not drinking pots. 2 times because of PAPA PIXIE. the papa is scary can. hit me 1.2k damage with m.a. ok i shall not go on about the papa i shall go on to the beloved seciton.

to all my great friends out there, nicole, ting wei, alisa, jasmine, shu yuan, briana, jordan, bryon, wayne, jonathan loh, norman, wan zhen , keean, john ng, shanice ang, my beloved dad, amirah, ashraf, and the rest of whom i have missed out whom i so love dearly. thank you people for being there for me always. i love you all like crazy. to my it fair colleagues i love you all so much for guiding me. and you guys are really very nice. to a few special people which belogn to shout out ranks. NICOLE, WANZHEN, NORMAN, JONATHAN LOH, JORDAN, WAYNE, MY BELOVED DAD, SHANICE ANG AND JOHN NG, AMIRAH AND ASHRAF I WILL LOVE YOU ALL ALWAYS.

chow people time for bed

| Into My Thoughts @ 9:37 PM |