people scold people for reasons that are proper. well check this out.m.o.m: the fridge got grape you want you go take it yourselfme: orh (opens the fridge not realising it was so small that it could not be open fully and accidentally slams it)m.o.m: what is your problem, you know how to take care of things want a not. me: accident rightm.o.m: go wash the grapes lame:(goes and wash the grapes f.y.i the grapes are seriously big and each one of them contains seed and some people has such solid teeth that they eat the whole entire seed into their mouths and doesn't notice it going down their own bloody throat)me: this grape has seeds (like duh some assed people just doesnt realiase it)m.o.m: dont bluff la i today bring to office all i eat all no seedme: you try la i eat all 3 all 3 has seedsm.o.m: you take already you better eat horhme: i dont want eat lem.o.m : oi you dont because of seed only you dont want to eat ok dont waste my moneyme: its not nice lom.o.m: whatever la i give up la i dont want to buy fruits for you all ready la so ungrateful let me ask you people you'll have heard of this phrase one mans food is one mans poison. well the food tasted extremely revolting k it was like every bite is like eating hard rubber. how nice is that. another exciting installmentm.o.m:( gets home)me: i next friday going out horhm.o.m: you dont tell me this type of things ok you got money mehme: got what i still got the $30m.o.m: that $30 is my money ok what happen to the $100 _ _ _ _ _ give you me: that one for bag and shirt one wad i use my own money to buy the shirt okm.o.m: i dont care ok bla blabla la bla blame: oko kokok ok ok i pay you back argh!!!for starters i dont owe her any money. she was hinting so clearly she wanted the money that that idiot gave me to buy my shirt and bag back. i told her i used it. hellooooo its considered mine k and that monstrous obnoxiouslly moron. so whatever that really does my day. she's like if she doesn't scold me she will die and she will have to scold me everyday FOR NO PARTICULAR PROPER REASON!!!! its like if i murder someone or steal something i get scolded ok. BUT FOR A STUPID FRUIT THAT EVEN Y BROTHER DOESN'T LIKE WHAT KIND OF REASON IS THISdont you guys love my life