Probably Masochist
Taken from Trick By Ellen Hopkins
A Poem by Ginger Cordell
I wear many faces
some way too old
to fit the girl glued
to the back of them.
keep my faces in a box,
stashed inside of me.
It's murky in there
overcast with feelings I
allow anyone to see
Not that anyone cares
enough to go looking.
No one wants to
what bothers me. Too
hung up on their own
problems. Sometimes
I think i have to see
the real
Ginger, so i open
the box, search inside.
But no matter how hard
I look, I can't find
Rosemary Ballet
1. a female child, from birth to full growth
2. a young immature woman, esp. formerly an unmarried one
3. a daughter: My wife and I have two girls.
4. Informal : Sometimes Offensive. a grown women, esp. when referred to familiarly: she's having the girls over for bridge next week.
5. girlfriend; sweetheart
6. often offensive. a female servant.
7. Usually offensive, a female employee
8. a female who is from or native to a given place: shes a Missouri girl
9. girls, (used with singular or plural verb)
a. a range of sizes from 7-14, for garments made for girls
b. a garment in this size range
c. the department of section of a store where these garments are sold.