From ashes to dust,
The best of me is left in pieces.
They say growing up is beautiful
They say growing up is beautiful
But beauty doesn't last,
Are we but fleeting ?
They say heartbreak works,
It creates your person
But there leaves a void
A void to be filled
With memories and longing
Only if that's alright
They say infinity is always
But infinity is also nothing
And when nothing exists,
Did we have something?
Were we just another cog
Of cosmic ash and dust
Because that's all we are
Says your philosophy
Do past memories remain buried
Because it impedes the now
Or is it because we were ashamed
Or youth and innocence
And the possibility of fairy tales
Of great classic literature
Of tragedy and sorry
That the story lingers on
Because tragedy sells
Are we?
Or are we just
Passing masses
Or perhaps
One is left lingering
For a sense of
Normalcy and a
Ever after?
and Again, the raindrops pour
Happy birthday you.
Perhaps I never want these memories to disappear.
Because the day they are gone is the day you fade to dust.
And I can't bear to say goodbye
It's been more than 10 years since I've posted,
In that decade, I've gone through
- Heartbreak
- Loss of Family
- Changes in Character
And ultimately, I still push on.
R.M.W.L is now married. So am I.
But if love isn't what's it all said to be, could love be an artificial construct?
I've lost my poetic ability, I've lost my lyrical ability.
Am I but a cog in the machine,
Or am I perpetuating a problem,
Perhaps the problem is me.
Blurry visions and a damp keyboard
It's been almost a year and yet,
this dark abyss within does not disappear
they say time heals all
but in the darkness
i welcome loneliness
in the image of you
Try as i might to deny
fill this emptiness
the crushing void remains
dragging along with it
this tormented soul
For every smile you see
every laughter you hear
constructs of fallacious intent
to maintain this tough exterior
when the bolts holding it
have but waned and decayed
They say when a person turns your life over
this person saves you from the terrible end awaiting
yet in cheating life
irony begets
life cheats you
into further despair
In existing to prove
to become someone of equal caliber
i've come so far
i'm still so far away from you
Who i am today
belongs entirely to you
but yet you who shaped
is now a distance away
Guess I was foolish
pursuing to fill this hole you've created
this hole that eats me up inside
destruction within this
seemingly tough exterior
built upon lies
I'm no longer sure,
whether you feel the same way as i towards you.
I'm no longer sure,
of myself this one person whose existence belong to you
I'm no longer sure
of what i'm doing
Yet amidst this bleak uncertainty
I do know, my heart still belongs to you.
I'm pretty much still the same guy you first met
a little bit more intelligent
a little bit more mature
a little bit more sorrowful
Your heart is like a labyrinth
I cannot fathom
lost at every twist and turn
and yet this amazing being of yours
tore down the walls
made the hurt disappear.
I guess i still love you
even though i complain about how prissy you've become
I still love you
I want to meet the girl beneath once again
I know asking of this is impossible
but i guess trying never hurt.
Would you leave him?
for this wretched soul you have saved
This soul who so deeply loves you.
Maybe love is not a word good enough
its been so long
three years to be exact
and yet i cannot imagine a life
without you in it.
Pants, I really really love you.
But i can't bring myself to tell you
for you are happy now
and doing so would crush your romance
this romance that pains me.
I guess i'm a liar through and through
The daily circus
For every time the lion roars
the inner demon awakes
violence begets violence
hatred spirals like tea in a cauldron
Tamed is the lion
yet the whip of the ringmaster
holds no true power
the power is only an illusion
an illusion of violence
Why do we raise our voices?
Like whip and roar
whosoever remains loudest
whosoever remains standing last
wins this power struggle
between lion and ringmaster
You know how people are segregated, made to feel like a minority because of a certain difference within them? Made to bear the brunt of a society that is unable to accept these differences, Skin Colour, Race, Religion, Ideology, Gender, Sexual preferences etc. Wars break out because of disagreements between nations over political disputes left unsolved. Yet in the little enclaves of society, polarisation is still rampant.
In growing up in a religion centered family, the child unknowingly buys into their beliefs be it Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, Mormonism, Hinduism etc. They grow up buying into the belief that their parents upheld, where most probably their parents faith in religion originated from their respective parents and so on. In so doing, the proverb of "blind following the blind" becomes apparent where we become a by-product of our parents expectations.
Religion in itself is not wrong. If we were to see religion as a system in inculcating moral values, religion has done no wrong. If we were to see religion as a system in which people can believe in to pacify their fears and uncertainty, religion too has done no wrong. But when religion imposes their teachings onto a person disregarding their right to free speech, ability to think for themselves, the credibility of religion becomes questioned.
In insisting that ones religion remains superior and the only true religion, we undermine the fact that there are other religions out there, discrediting their existence. This view becomes a problem where people go around attempting to change individuals. Changing them, into the "proper" the "right" just because they strongly believe, firmly believe in their religion. This imposition is both morally wrong and extremely inhumane.
By imposing such values, despite consciously or not, these supposed missionaries (in the case of christianity) denies the recipients humanity, where they are seen as incapable of thinking for themselves. This alludes them to that of animal status where animals are commonly regarded as having the inability to think (hence the "undeniable" fact that men are superior) thought we know this is not true with animals such as dolphins and elephants.
Because i dont want to be a religion bashing asswipe
i've decided to not continue and do this.
Dear ___, stop imposing your religion on me. Stop living in your pre-conceived notion that your religion is superior and is the only one true religion. There are alternate theories, concepts, facts, that will crush your entire belief but in solely believing and living in ignorance, you not only slow your brain process as it becomes programmed to no longer question the "big questions", the "big answers", but rather it becomes accepted as an alternate inevitability.
What if i told you that i believe that mortals can transcend death and the only reason we cant is because we accept it as a inevitability.
You'll probably think im crazy because it is proven that the brain will expire. Isnt this theory pretty similar to any thing you believe in?
What if i told you i believe we willed ourselves into living and it is through this will that we come into existence and that with such will, we are meant to do great things.
Will you now call me crazy even though you have nothing to de-proof/prove this?
damn your enclaved mind