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Monday, April 16, 2007

today was such a fun day lol. lets see hmm well had a test on physics was rather ok.

in the kitchen, the teacher gave us somework to do well the girls and i were like taking picture everywhere. its fun man. than like had poa. poa was so cool leme tell you why.

i sort of forgotten to bring my poa book today. since it was 1 period i didnt really bother to go back home and take it. so during poa i was like called to stand out of the class with the usual band of mischieve. well i sort of dont belong there cause its my 1st time not bringing poa book. anyway we sort of were standing there chatting till our discipline master called us down. like we went to him. luckily our dm is a nice one who believe in 2nd chances. so he was like asking us why were we standing outside. so the usual serving of nice talking from him. bla bla bla pull your ear bla bla bla hit you lightly in the tummy. so it was fun. than we went back to standing outside the class and the teacher sort of like told me to come in class. nice 2nd chance my life's just like alvin's!
(my characther for SYF main role you know) so i was like sent in sat in the middle and did the stuff he told me to do.

than we had a remedial for maths and it was tottally awesome. well seeing that we made the taecher left the class is aleady bad enough but it was like so weird. maybe PMS was in process thats why. well we were like making lesser noise than usual and the teacher was like so fed-up. there were like 7 absentees but most of them have valid excuses. like 3 of them went for choir, one went of rmother toungue, i was absent. the rest of the two i think one cha bo and 1 said this "cher i forgot to bring my medicine, if i dont take the medicine in half an hours time i cannot walk" like its so diao. so she was like teaching half way an the normal thing my class mates do happened. cher say something talk back or give some funny remarks. like its natural all the teachers know about this. and the teacher couldnt take it she just like started to reprimand us. then she got so fed up she just like started shutting down the laptop, told us class was dismiss we were like all huh huh huh then she said what you all still sitting here for class dismiss. then she took her stuff and left. so we all left

me and wayne were like what the hell. and we discussed that situation so far that it turned out hilarious. lol ha has we were laughing like mad. well once i reach home, wanzhen was like chatting with me on the behaviour of sluttish girls. well she cant stand them. neither do i. its like we have the same mentality. well she was like bitching aroung poor her must have gotten a field day or something. than we like discussed on how boys were such pushovers because their weak. like giving everything in to a girl. lol she absolutely hate those type of thing. well its really true its rather irritating.

sorry people no pictures cause like is aid this aint my comp.

| Into My Thoughts @ 4:30 PM |

Sunday, April 15, 2007

now in an extremely bad mood. for those people who jolly well dont have a single brain thing inside the dumb head well than SHUT THE HELL UP. this is a story with extreme hate and loathe.

nathan's dumb m.u.m
nathans extremely irritating worse than a persistent mosquito brother.

nathan got a new cpu from his cousin. the cpu was meant to be a back up since the previous one died. so he took the cpu home and fixed it up. the next day well nathan was checking up the cpu everything. the software bla bla bla. well nathan tried a few games. he tried all the games that could be played. it only took a bloody 15 minutes.

beside nathan was his stupid brother a dumb idiot who is so pampered and loved that everything he wants the stupid mother of nathan will give him. the stupid brother was beside nathan and saw him trying the games. after a while, nathan proceed onto the firewall and stuff. well than the stupid brother ( i felt like using the bloody f word but thought better not) went to complain to his dumb mother telling her he want to play the computer well screw him. is he blind to see that nathan was checking all the protection system of the computer to prevent viruses. is he that blind. he doesn't even wear specs !!!! well so he went to nag about it. so nathan's dumb m.u.m ( stands for mentally unorganized mob) since she was cooking delivered a message to nathan's dumb brother to ask nathan to let him play. nathan was busy doing the protection soft ware in the computer that he did not care about his brother. (well like heck care about a dumb irritating person who is so blind. i dont think so.) than nathan's dumb bloody brother made a big fuss about not able to play the computer.(LIKE WAKE UP NATHAN WILL LET HIM PLAY ONCE HE FINISHES THE CHECKING THE PROGRAMMES.) but no that dumb idiot did not stop his fussing and wussing. he nagged and nagged until the mentally unorganized mob came in and started scolding nathan. this is the conversation.

(this is not in proper english since the freaking convo made me so pissed off)

m.u.m: why arent you letting didi play the computer
nathan: i setting up the protection right!! ( he was fed up of all the freaking nagging the brother did)
m.u.m: you do that for what! this is not our comp what why do this type of things
nathan:(this shows how much that dumb mother cares for her nieces things)
nathan: this is not our cpu leh what if the virus attack the cpu than i ask you what will happen we pay jie jie one is it!
m.u.m: you playing the computer lo didi say de!!!!
nathan:(well screw the world)
nathan: i only play like a while only right.
nathan: (people curious got problem arh bitch)
m.u.m: i dont care you better let didi play now!!!
nathan: the computers protection all off right!!!!
m.u.m: argh! *walks to the kitchen to continue cooking*

well the next thing you know, nathan's bloody brothers start his nonsense again. it piss him off so much he blasted the music. than nathan's brother went to complain to his m.u.m. (like i said too pampered) and than the next thing you know what the stupid mother just came over to the computer grab the mouse that nathan was using and used the internet. it really pissed him off. (like what kind of values did you teach me bitch and you're not following them)

this is the following conversationg after the dumb snatching of the mouse

m.u.m: you can let me use the computer a not!!!!
nathan: *gets up pick up his mp3 his handphone and went to the next bedroom*
m.u.m: *sits down and starts to use the computer*.

well do you know which dumb web she went to. she went to some random site and than just went in click click not even doing a single thing like paying bills online or something and than pass the dumb computer over to nathan's dumb brother. and do you know what is happenind, THE BLOOD VIRUS PROTECITON HAS NOT EVEN BEEN ON YET
and she was surfing the net. so nathan thought (screw you holy ass, i dont give a damn) and went blasted his mp3.

after realizing that his brother was mocking nathan got so pissed off he went out of the house.

another conversationg

m.u.m: where are you going!!
nathan: outside!! (if you are nto blind you would have seen it bitch)
m.u.m: go out for what!!!
nathan: i go fix my bike.

nathan did not want to stay in the house any longer. he couldn't stand it. after he fixed the bike, he went downstairs and tried to run away from home. but alas it failed after a few pedaling which got nathan near the road, the stupid gear broke.(it was too rusty) pissed off nathan went back home, parked the broken bike and went to continue reading his book ignoring the bloody world.

let me ask you guys a question, if your mother did that to you what would you feel, you were trying to set up the computer so that it will be safe from viruses and some idiot must have to say that you are selfish just wanting to use the computer to yourself. like what kind of rubbish is that. and than you have a irritating brother in which even you relatives agree that he is too spoilt who like to have everything his way if not he will start his stupid whining. THIS IS PREJUDICE!! if you get this type of nonsense almost everyday. and you cant say a single thing since your horrible m.u.m always uses her authority to I AM RIGHT EVERYTHING I SAY YOU MUST FOLLOW crapped up attitude. how can you voice out what you want to say huh. and than that dumb m.u.m just keeps going WHY DO YOU ALWAYS KEEP TO YOURSELF DO YOU KNOW FAMILY BONDING IS VERY IMPORTANT!!!! does she even realize her son hates her. she doesn't even know the family is falling apart. all she cares is that stupid boyfriend of hers. all your m.u.m cares about is her nice bf and have a stronger family in which she herself is breaking everything and you are just suffering there with no power to speak with no power to do anything but just be quiet and suffer. and that m.u.m is being SKITZO being so nice infront of her bf to her kids and being a moronic bitch behind her bf, a nice lady at church a horrendous mum at home. let me ask you WHAT KIND OF RUBBISH IS THIS. can you even take all this nonsense that nathan had been suffering for 11 years minusing the three years he was left with hes granmother for fostering. 11 years people 11 years how can you take it anymore. and whenever you rebel in your young age she beats you, you rebel know, she have to resort to telling the pastor that you rebeled and wanting her to talk to you. WHAT KIND OF RUBBISH IS THIS THE PASTOR IS TOO BUSY TO CARE ABOUT YOU DO YOU UNDERSTAND! let me ask you how horrible is that.

i would rather be a poor kid living in an orphanage than ebing brought up by a stupid family like this. why did dad have to leave, why did that eat shit appear what kind of stupid things are this. wouldn't it be great if all of them just perish and i go to a foster home or something. its so much better, people in the foster home have to make you feel loved so that you will get adopted. isnt that great at least i get to be loved.

the person with the initials of y i suggest you shut your bloody mouth if you totally dont understand the situation. i had enough of your nonsense. if you dont like me than spit it out i dont like you eithe that doesn;t mean you have to resort to back stabbing bitch!

wont this place be so much better if there was a teeensy love in the world

| Into My Thoughts @ 7:58 PM |

Thursday, April 12, 2007

now in school computer lab ah has suppose to be reserching on meal plans. slacking at the back. fnn teacher not here today. wha the comp in the lab dam slow man. lol beside us got retarded people watching porn. like oh well their just childish. nowsadays very busy so hardly will be blogging.

today just had napha test. i'm so happy i passed my shuttle run. normally i would like frooking fail my shuttle run. hehe and i broke my old record of standing broad jump. for someone so short i still can hit 210 not bad already man. slacking for 3 periods man. 3 periods fnn than recess. nothing much happens nowadays. its juse plain boring morning go school than end schoool go home study. plain madness to be doing nothing nowsadays. nothing fun ever pops up. and the teachers are just piling work on us its crazy. if there's little work than there shall be tests to study for. somehow we got a girls school graduateee to relieve us. she was like boys dont search porn lol.

well i had a very weird dream yesterday. it was like i could fly. with the aid of a fluffy poof. (thats what its call in the dream.) -.- well i know its lame but its very touching. i sort of cried at the ending. typical dream la. used to dream of all this . i can fly wheee how amazing it is just to fly.

as usual, i was daydreaming in class today since i got full marks for the last two question in the social studies test. so i was daydreaming and this sort of hit me. imagine your horoscope is given not because of the date of your birthday but instead of who you are. imagine this courageous- leo well but its not just for ordinary people but these horoscope are just right for THE FORGONE. well THE DARK EMPIRE too has all this. well except for a few. cant remember all of my characthers can i. 50++++++ over chracthers maybe even more. well at least i remember that death and light bringer both are horoscope less and F.F.D also. so those without horoscopes are special. well than i was as usual continue to daydram and i sort of got this new characther. i was like daydreming of geography stuff and i sort of got this new characther. well cant excatly remeber his name i think its was remanant or something. well he has the ability to read what natures see. so he can easily know what happens in the past. since cliffs are like 100 over years we can easily look into the past.

my earpiece broke down today. screw it. now only the right piece is working. damn idiotic. my right ear is so gona spoil if this continues. LOL like only a few people are doing their work the rest are just slacking. today ms prem ask sheikh to take down the drama banner. like only the drama banner is left. the rest of the cca's banner are already down. well the teacher is like now beside me slacking also ah has.

well the relieve teacher asked me why the guys dont mix with the girls. like what kind of dumb question is that. well i just aint seating with jas and shu uian they all. sat with asri for a change. bored man. asri like seasrching for what ummmm, ar! the fnn thingy well while searching, this type of like male breast cancer of male bladder thingty came out lol. and we like searched fpr nutritional requirements for teengae girls. like lol and male breast cancer came out.

well this is what we are researching for:
To give adolescent girls exactly the nutritional support they need, Doctor's Choice for Female Teens includes additional calcium, silica, vitamin B6 and iron. Calcium can help prevent osteoporosis later in life. Silica is one of calcium's key co-factors. Vitamin B6 is involved in some of the hormonal processes of the menstrual cycle. In addition, rising estrogen levels in teenage girls change the way their bodies handle vitamin B6, which increases their requirement for it. Iron deficiency can be a problem for teenage girls because they lose iron every month during their menstrual cycle.
courtesy of http://www.evitamins.com/product.asp?pid=126

well got to go must finish worksheet. lol

| Into My Thoughts @ 9:38 AM |

Sunday, April 8, 2007

today i shall post about what happen yesterday . nothing ever much happens on a sunday


yesterday went to the imigration building. bloody hell the queue was extremely long. well considering it was a saturday. so reached there at hmm 9? and the bloody thing ended at 11.30. well at least i didn't stay till 11.30 i left at 11. went to central to cut my hair with jasmine and briana. we went to the shop which jasmine always cut her hair. i like that place's service. its like so good lol. the hairdresser isn't so dao like the rest of the shops i've been to. sort of got a new haircut i dont even know what i did lol. the person just started asking me then i just orh orh orh. then TADA new haircut. not so use to the new haircut lol. jasmine and briana says its nice. just not so used to it lol. its like so different from my old hair. braina said my old hairstyle was for girls!! again shes saying im sissy!!!! screw you banana platation's banana. well after the haircut we sort of went for lunch. lunch was hmmm sort of rather fast. cause after cutting hair, i left like 45 more mintues to tuition. so i ate quickly and i was teasing briana. there was this sign at the food court we went that says no outside food and drinks are allowed to be consumed here. i sort of didnt see the consume so i tolds briana
me: briana shoo not outside food adn drinks allowed banana not allowed here.
briana: *look at me with the dumb face and laughs.*
jordan the pinapple sort of joined us later duno where he went. so he came and after we ate finish out lunch, jas and briana went to 7/11 jordan went to buy buble tea/ escort me to bustop and i went to tuition.
after tuition went to cell. cell was as usual, not my cup of tea. everytime i reach ther i would be late. cell starts at 4 tuition ends at four. and the distance in between is like from tampines to simei. so i was like at 38 winks already and then it ended. lucky man 2 more winks poof i'm asleep. well than went to bedok for dinner than went home i know its boring but thats my life.

| Into My Thoughts @ 3:35 PM |

Friday, April 6, 2007

today i have nothing much to post about so i shall bestow you all this.

have you ever done anything that you later regretted doing in your life.
have you ever lost someone extremely close to you.
have you ever been given one more chance but yet you ruined the chance.
have you ever felt the pain of a break up.
have you ever thought about all the wrong things you did in life.
have you ever felt any love given from your family.
have you ever been influnced by bad company.
have you ever had a dream but it was smashed by somone close to you.
have you ever liked a person but never ever told him/her and he/her drifted further and further away.
have you ever tried your best to be a good person but got misunderstood.
have you ever tried giving your love but in the first place you never had any.
have you ever studied so hard for your examination that you ended up failling all of the tests.
have you ever left someone an impression he/she will never forget,
have you ever donated money to charity and ended up being broke for that day.
have you ever mistook a person for a friend.
have you ever made a person happy.
have you ever cried infront of an entire group of friends not caring about what they said.
have you ever made someone cried and later he/she became your boy/girl friend
have you ever tried telling your parents what you felt but never could get it out of your mouth.
have you ever been given a lecture for something you did not do.
have you ever slice yourself on the wrist
have you ever played truancy.
have you ever experience the moment where you could not take in anymore nonsense n you just break dwn.
have you ever told yourself not to cry but in the end you still did.
have you ever hold back your tears on something in which you should cry for.
have you ever felt useless for a particular period.
have you ever felt that no one in this world cares for you and understands you.
have you ever visited counsellors many times but in the end you end up worse than before.
have you ever felt so sorry for yourself that you couldn't even raise your head.
have you ever tried killing yourself.
have you ever been given an award in which you did not do anything to gain.
have you ever attended a funeral of one of your loved ones.
have you ever think that you are too fat even though you are thin.
have you ever tried helping others but end up causing more trouble for your friend.
have you ever been so selfish that when your friends needed you, you did not go to them.
have you ever been always there for a friend.
have you ever fell in love with a person but in the end gave up in pursuing the relationship.
have you ever felt so demoralised on failure that in the end you gave up.
have you ever learn to feel the pain of others.
have you ever learn to listen properly.
have you ever learn to understand before getting understood.
have you ever become what you fear most.
have you ever felt that this world is without love.
have you ever actually seen pure darkness.
have you ever believed in yourself.
have you ever believed in what you are believing in.
have you ever became evil due to only concentrating on what bad things people did to you.
have you ever became jealous of someone's position and felt that you were better than the person.
have you ever tried to hurt you friends so badly that they never talked to you no more.
have you ever realised that you were in fact a monster infront of your same gender friends but a saint in front of the opposite gender friends.
have you evere thought of why the sky wasn't green and the grass blue.
have you ever thought of why alphabets had to be arranged in ABC instead of CBA
have you ever been so sick that you could not do a single thing but lie in bed.
have you ever wonder why god created disgusting things like insects.
have you ever thought which sick ass invented words like ugly and detestable.
have you ever been brought yourself to a state where you cannot possibly bring yourself back.
have you ever forgotten who you are and could ever revert to who you were in the past .

| Into My Thoughts @ 9:22 PM |

Thursday, April 5, 2007

SYF IS OVER. WHEEEEEEEE. whooo finally no longer so tired anymore. today was like only in class for like 1 period thats all. two period pe 1 period ss 3 period fnn. whoo today during pe, since syf people are excused from pe, i was daydreaming again. well there was a sort of hole in the clouds. so i was like thinking link boy link to the book. and i got this.
"a hole in the sky appeared, a light ray appeared through the hole. it seemed like judgement day was here but instead, the end of the world began." not bad huh one hole one sentence whoooo. well i'm good what. well today, we were late for ss as usual. and the teacher said you guys came in 10 mins late, im not returning your test paper. like whatever. then i had 2 period of fnn. well today is practical and we were making fruit tartlet and duno some sardine thing. well i was like making a mess of everything as i was stressed up. SYF IS ONLY 3 HRS LATER. so i was strssing up and the sardine thingy sort of didn't turn out well. no i shall rephrase that, it turned out like shit. then the teacher was like jonathan come clean the centre table. so i went. well jasmine was freaking at me. so sorry jasmine!! you see i sort of like left to clean the table and jasmine being herself hate's washing dishes so like i went ot clean the centre table and jasmine was left alone to clean the dishes. well at least when i came back i washed the dishes too. i sort of left in the middle of class to prepare for syf. so i left jasmine to wash the last few things herself. DUI BU QI!!! fingers bow down.

well so we went for 1st recess AND MY SEC 1NA JANSEN, STEPHANIE, CHERMAINE, CZARIUM, ANSON( i may have miss out a few i forgot lots of you guys le) I COULDNT FIND YOU GUYS. so instead i sat with the drama people. so we were making lots of noise forcing ourselve to eat a extremely heavy recess. then we had to rush to the heritage room for make up, rehersals, dress up, and some slacking cause we were waiting for the rest hehe. well the rest of the drama were like scolding me T_T. jonathan why you are the only person here who looks normal. well the rest were like dressed until so over. gang memebers had the leather jackets boots and whatever else and khairul was wearing a KILT! SCOTTISH!!!!. well then the showhost were wearing extremely glittery clothes. and the doors well they were wearing dresses that looks extremely glamourous. and i was the only one with jeans and shirt. well to bad thats my chracther. well in fact theres a set back for this type of roles you dotn get any nice costume. but luckily i needed a costume for the last scene and nice i got one. ladeeda. before dressing up and make uping, we had like one last run through. MR PONG(vice principle) and MISS SARDON(ex drama teacher) were there to see. AHHHHHH so stress and i sort of like didnt do my best cause i was like panicking. 2 more hrs syf gosh. so MR ELIAS (the instructor) pointed out 3 mistakes i made. well shoots. whatever. so then we had make up. UNFAIR I WANT EYELINER WHY DIDN'T I HAVE ANY!! sobs. so the instructor was like looking at us admiring the costumes and he said this. i can see the reason why you guys are in drama. you guys are just vain!. so we were like make uping and i was like bored since i didn't like know how to make up myself. so i was sitting there staring at the wall. then later i was so bored i went out of the heritage room for a while. AND I SAW AMIRAH EEEEK AND THE WHOLE 3E2 i was in costume!! so i hugged amirah as usual and i chatted with her for a while since the rest were busy make uping. she wanted to see EVE in costume but sadly she was busy make uping and that since miss noraiza was make uping her, so eve could notleave. poor her then i shouted to jordan and sort of like jason, wei jing and jordan from 3e2 came over and saw em in costume who cares I LOOK NORMAL WHAT. then we sort of left for CJC venue for syf. and the doors sadly had to be tilted inorder to fit the bus. MY MAKE UP WAS MELTING THE BUS AIRCON WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH. so we got there and most of us started getting nervous. we got there and fooled around below the auditorium. since we were the last school, we had picture time so we went around taking picture in costume. it was fun then i got another dose of make up . like i said my make up was melting. we went to the behind the waiting area and nice we had like 15 mins left before the performance. MY HEART WAS CHASING A ROCKET. i could even hear my heart beat. lol then the teachers sort of told us not to worry about later just give it your best. then we left 10 mins and we did the traditional drama hand thingy during syf. put everyone's hand together and say drama. so then we went backstage and the mc was like a bit pissed off with us. cause the whole team wasn't near her cause she wanted to give insructions. whatever than my ehart was beating again. so then i had to cross the stage to get to the other side. well so all went well when like during the gangster scene, my line was cut by boss but whatever i only left 3 words so i just said it. and he continued talking. and then later during the gameshow, at the fight scene, i sort of didn't get my sword and khairul got his.( i was suppose to fight him.) so i fought him barehanded without a sword. AND I WON. lol anyway i was meant to win its in the script. anyway there were funny moments where the audiences laughed. i like the part where boss said to scottish pimp:you even worse you wearing a skirt. then khairul sort of go hmph ( in girlish tone). and i still dont understand why when i was doing my linking line the adults laughed. i was lke saying isn't there suppose to be some probation period or try-out and they laughed at the probation period. lol must be some adult joke. yeah then at the ending, I WAS EXTREMELY CONFUSED. the guys were like suppose to come out when im saying my last line but instead they didn't and when we said the game of life part, only me, host 1 and 2 were there, weird man.then later black out and the rest came in and bowed i was like what do i do ok fine i just started to count to myself and bowed whatever at least it went smoothly. oh and after the syf MR SIN ( my school's principal) praised me lalala. mr sin and miss sardon went to the performance. well when we were slacking aruond in the heritage room before we went for syf, we were like being interviewd by the teachers of what do you think of the upcoming syf and cameron said this.
miss prem: cameron what do you think of the upcoming syf
cameron: we will get gold with honours and if we dont we will cut the judges.
khairul: POTONG!

lol that was funny man. hehe so after syf we took the bus back to school and boy were we tired. mr sin and miss sardon was like good job people. the drama teachers were also good job guys. then when we reached school , the councilors were like welcoming the guest to their investiture and we were like hey we got welcoming commitee man we did well. ha has. after that went back to heritage room to get our things and we had to clean up. cause the mordern dancers were using the room. then we went to mac and talked about what happened during syf. well lucky us , ALL OF US COULD BE HEARD FROM THE LIGHTING ROOM. good job people. well we sort of made full use of the time limit since out performance was 20 MINS SHARP. whoooo. this is a conversation we had.

whole drama: GOLD WITH HONOURS

and thats was the end

| Into My Thoughts @ 6:52 PM |

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

I GOT CAUGHT FOR LONG HAIR TODAY!!!!!. lucky me, MR malik caught me on the wrong day ha has. since tomorrow is syf and i get 1st recess, his % of catching me would be like below 10% and that is extremely low. if you were wondering how about the rest of the period well i would be moving around and only 1 period would be in class. HA HAS 1st period would be like PE we are going to the hall HAHAS. follwed up by ss 1 period in the class and 2 periods in the kitchen for fnn woots. catch me if you can lol. anyway i'm cutting on friday. imagine i get barred form mid year because of my hair like EEEEEK. and my hair is getting so thick that it tickles my ear. gona thin it.

i finshed my geography home work like eat that briana =P. well at least the homework miss tay gave wasn't too much. whooo then had enligsh, teacher was like going through the group thingy. sort of like didn't care. then SS well during ss ha has our class were under observation, meaning some one would be at the back to observe how the teacher teaches. and boy it was the HOD OF HUMANS! BAGUS. he he it was so fun but i'm not saying what happen cause it might be an insult or somesort to the teacher so i shall keep quiet. ZIP~~~ chemistry was rather fun since the teacher was pointing the pointer at the guy behind me ad briana and both of us were like laughing at the pointer. it was bent. well since the teacher used it to bang onto muhammad's table it got bent. after chem we had wad hmmm maths i think. well during maths a very funny thing happened we were like all handing up our homework and i sort of can't remeber the convo well except for a nice senctence. so i shall only say the nice sentence. well miss lee (our maths teacher) was like asking my classmate for homework. then another class mate pop out and said that our other maths teacher called her mum to tell my classmate to hand up her homework. like then the previous class mate said this : CHER I GOT A HARD TIME FINDING HER HOLE YESTERDAY and the whole class burst into hilarious laughter. well her = my other maths teacher and hole = the pigeon hole. but look at how he phrased it," i have a hard time finding her hole yesterday". it just sounds so wrong. well after maths was POA and i paid attention!!! I KNOW HOW TO DO THE CASH BOOK ALREADY WHEEEE. yay nothing much funny happend during poa.

like its now syf week i have drama everyday and tomorrow is SYF gosh. so before syf training, briana, daphane, jasmine, sandra, shu yuan and ying wanted to go to central and jordan, bryon and dillon were like at loyang point. so i was like stuck inbetween go with girls r boys and finally i went to loyang point at least when we were at mac, THE DRAMA PEOPLE WERE THERE SEC 2s AND 1s wheeeee. love them!!. well as usual the drama gang were making lots of noise in macdonald's. its a standed procedure of relieving stress. go to mac and laugh loudly. well that was fun man. then we went back to have drama. todays drama was SERIOUS, EXTREMELY SERIOUS. tomorrow is SYF people so it was so serious bloopers were little extremely low that we all barely had a laugh. and poor me again had to stand and move and jump etc etc in like 2 hours, my legs will break!!

again went for nourishment and on the way was like with jin wei talking nonsense. well on the bus ride i was thinking.

why do people think that a passion for the super naturals is childish and football is a man thing. like nooo i never liked football i find it dumb really, a bunch of people running after a ball. and when they get a score people go GOAL and then the crowd goes wild. weird man. and how about this people thinks cartoon is childish especially cartoon with super heroes, but have you all ever wondered. wont it be nice just to be able to fly and be free. wont it be nice to be a heroe for once. like have you all ever wondered why super heroes were invented, they were invented becaus of their dreams. they dreamt and it came out. have you ever had a period where your imagination just keeps running and ideas just keep popping in your head. have you ever wondered if you were given the chance to fly without help from any techonology. for a very first time won't you try it. even if it costs your life for that sensation of flying, the wind blowing right at your head, the birds around and the freedom.

if i was given this chance i would but would it ever happen....

| Into My Thoughts @ 7:17 PM |

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

another ordianary extremely stressed day just passed by and today well is stressful. let me begin.

today 1st period was MT well that would mean chinese won't it. well most of us were kind of listening to the teacher. so wayne, was like sleeping during chinese class and boy was he good at acting. he placed his hand at his forehead, elbow on the table, book below and closed his eyes. well since the teacher was another old old teacher, the teacher could not be fooled. the teacher like bent down and stared at wayne. wayne however carried on sleeping for a short while then he realised that the teacher was staring at him. boy he just became extremely blur stare at the teacher and went back listening. lol and you know what happened next well the teacher praised him(cause he passed up he's home work for the very 1st time i think). HAHAS and he was sleeping lol. so people next time if you want to sleep in class, remember HAND UP YOUR HOMEWORK.

well after mt we had geography and this was the period i got stressed out. after mt, our geography teacher came in. and so we were dopying down whatever was on the screen. then she gave us a ton fo homework. like each question requires diagram. gosh i got so stressed out. maths came and boy i got stressed out again after half understanding what the teacher said and sine we all got some serious scolding, moods had been dampend. so i was copying all the dumb traingles and the teacher like kept us back like 5mins ++ for recess. and if there one thing i had most is a late recess. gosh i was aleady fuming and then THE maths teacher had to give TEN YEAR SERIES AND MATHS TEXT BOOK QUESTION. gosh well at least she gave us grace period. but i was still stress. then after that it was english and english was as usual crapped up. nothing much happend after all these and i went for drama.

TODAY WAS FULL DRESS REHERSAL meaning seriousness would be in the air. gosh and we had to do the fight scene like many many times lol. my legs are aching and i didn't get a rest!!!!! well at least it was fun playing around with the costumes.. jeannie looked like CHUN LI from street fighter. her costume looks just like CHUN LI'S. drama ended and lucky for me jin wei was with me. so we went to central to get nourishments. on the way i met a long lost friend well not really lost since her sis is in my school. I MET ERIKA. gosh haven't seen her for a long time and boy does she look different. she got rid her specs. she looked so different that i couldnt even recognize her we were staring at each other. she was walking opposite me and i was heading for the bread shop near sweet talk. we stared and walk and then she wave and then *konk* i remebered ERIKA, the girl who use to beat me and she's younger then me lol. well that was that and thats how the day end. i know its rather boring well too bad a boring day a boring post. people if you want more excting post spice up my life.XDXDXD

i would end by giving this phrase from METEOR SHOWER CHRONICLES THE FALL OF THE GOOD (my book)

The sword of delvine was bequeath onto the next descendant Ryan.

| Into My Thoughts @ 7:48 PM |

Monday, April 2, 2007

todayi forgotten to bring my keys well la dee da lets keep this dumb subject which spoilt my whole mood today for later. now lets just look on the better thing that happened today.

so like i said this part of the post shall be all the laughter and gags. so let me begin. today the dumbo class was as usual dumbo. slacked in chi class again and amazing WAYNE DID HIS CHI HOMEWORK FOR THE 1st TME. wow wayne i'm rather impressed lol. i've never ever touched the homework for chinese lol. but i do classwork ha has XD. then is was physics and boy it was funny. the teacher really knows how to interact with the teens. well actually its normal cause he's so young lol. so we headed to fnn which was as usual the same ol dumb thing. go there take out worksheet, do worksheet, read from textbook word by word. i can tell you guys something, if this carrys on, i would so fail my fnn for my MYE lol. Than it was recess another boring thing just eat talk. eat talk. oh and i forgot to mention the buying of food. whatever. then had physics again. i know its weird to have physics two times a day at different intervals. well whatever. now the teacher was teaching on what, the transfer of thermal energy. so he took two students out and demonstrated what happen when heat is applied to a substance. well since he was trying to explain that the particle will vibrate more vigourously, he told my classmate to vibrate ha has. that was hilarious. i laughed my socks off. well me classmate was like flapping he's hand around and the teachers said that that was flapping instead of vibrating. well the vibration my classmate did was sort of retarded lol. then it was POA i wasn't like paying attention today. GOSH I DONT KNOW HOW TO DO THE WORK. oh well know i know the importance of paying attention. well in POA, the attention span of everybody would be very short. the teacher would be like teaching us in this very traditional style that no one would understand. well i was playing with briana and she did not know how to do the dumb work either. then we had maths another 1/2 lecture on hour discipline again. but it was okay for me sinc ei wasn't listening to the lecture lol. well something weird happened during physics. i was laughing so madly like i said earlier that my left arm which i use for writing just did not have enough strength to write. after writing a few words its like gosh my arm its like being tickled and all the energy just gets depleted. so i was laughing cause i couldnt write. i felt paralyzed. i was like taking things to whack my upper arm to give me some energy. the teacher wanted to see the 1st page completed lol and i had only wrote like 1 question thats all. so i was like in deep shit and so i endured the bloody tickling feeling and carried on writing well it was tough just imagine being unable to write. scary man!! whoo lucky my arm got better. (thanks to the beating) well than we had maths remedial like it was not bad since i learned a few things considering that maths is my worst subject (screw the person who invented maths). well considering POA involves number and that i got like 2nd in class for POA its like theres no relation in POA and maths. i think it should be all about understanding for POA not like maths. lol maths is concept. well lick my shoe maths! oh yah briana was like calling me a sissy today. well maybe cause i was squealing like a pig today. and luckily today priscilla reminded me to do the dummy english homework. well she sorta not really reminded me, she wanted to copy lol so well i didn't do it so i was infact lucky THANK YOU PRISCILLA. well she sort of cried today so i am like feeling so bad why did she have to cry priscilla you promised me you smile often gogo smile smile big SMILE :)

well now for todays sad stuff like i said i forgotten to bring my keys and since i have like lotsa time now, im going to say this sad incident in a story.

: nathan
:nathan's mum
:nathan's neighbour
:nathan's mum bf

well it all began like this,
nathan went to school this morning and realized he forgot to bring he's keys. but he wasn't worried, he knew that he had he's cca today and knew that by the time he came home, he's mom would be there. but poor him fate came and the instructor relased the whole drama early. well it was at 5.0clock 1/2 an hour earlier. poor nathan, nto knowing where to go, he went to get himseld a nourishment like he use to and took the bus home. on the way, he' s mp3 konked out on him. so nathan had to stare out through the window of the bus to keep himself from getting overly bored. well once anthan got home, it was like 5.30 and he knew that he could not go into the house without the keys. so nathan not wanting to be a burden to he's neighbours, nathan went to sit at the staircase and did he's homework. luckily for nathan, he had brought he's handphone along and he could listen to some music. mmmmmmm. so nathan began doing he's homework on the staircase. the music he on was rather loud and it sort of drowned the neighbours piano playing. the neighbour daughter and son came out to check and saw nathan sitting there doing his homework. they were shocked. they went back to their house and did nothing. not even inviting him. well nathan thought to himself that's that and continued doing his work. well at 6.10 his mother came back home and found nathan sitting at the staircase doing his work. and the first thing the mother said to him was
mom :never bring key ar
like it was so rude and nathan was thinking to himself *you're not following what you taught me* so nathan was let into the house and normally a parent would feel sorry for the child for being locked outside the house for like 50 mins. but instead the bitching mother went around doing what she does best bitching. she started bitching bout not talking to her boyfriend who is like gona get married with her this june. this was like the conversation
mum: i'm so dissapointed in you you treat daddy like a stranger.
nathan: keeps quiet *like only you and bro call him that i don't i don't give a damn*
mum: why do you treat him like a outsider
nathan: keep quietn *are you dumb he is an outsider*
mum: continues nagging
nathan: watching spongebob square pants
mum: when are you ready to call him dad
nathan: still not ready * like i ever will be*
mum: continues bitching then went to fetch bro from school.

well that was about it and poor nathan had to enudre all the nasty remarks his mom said. well later during the night nathan went to do his homework and well nathan's friend priscilla sort of reminded him about the english worksheet. nathan imediately went to do that piece of work. it was already past his bedtime. so nathan carried on doing the work. well then after that nathan's mum bf came in and he went to the room to do his stuff. well how DAO. so nathan being the attitude himself went out without calling him until his mother nagged at him to call him. so after greeting him nathan went back to do his work. by then nathan was so tired about all the homework that he wanted to rest. but no he knew that he needed to blog and off he went to blog. well then nathan's mum went to tuck in his brother to sleep well typical old her. and aftr that she came in and screamed at him. here's the convo
mum: have you finished your work already not
nathan: i finished it
mum: then why you never go to bed
nathan: (irritated tone) wait lah!
mum: i dont care about you ready la

well ladeeda like nathan ever cared for her. so nathan carried on blogging. well nathan's heart was already bleeding before all this now after all this crude remarks from his mom how could he take it anymore.

how long, how long before his heart will crack. how long how long before he dies of the small heart he has. how long how long more must he live a life without love. how long miore must he endure all this nonsense. yeah how long more till he drops dead to the ground

| Into My Thoughts @ 8:38 PM |

Sunday, April 1, 2007


e kids b under a prophecy
made even
were born shimmer
in different colours 14th
2 these
n prophecies cease
by their birthday
have created hang history
future the
inaccurate i
cease to exist

people if you didn' reailze the word ancient means long long ago. which inturn means that when this prophecy has been recovered this are only the words that can be read so thank you and do not ask my why you do not understand the prophecy

| Into My Thoughts @ 1:25 PM |