today was a funny day you want to know why? let me explain JORDAN GOT CAUGHT FOR LONG HAIR TODAY AND THE LECTURE WAS SEVERE WHA HA HA HAS!wha ha has so funny heres the scenarioin the early morning, jordan came to school and than the first thing that happened was"boy come here come here" i was sitting there staring ah ahshe went ove rha has and went into the general office FOR LONG HAIR HA HAS MY FRIGGIN HAIR IS LONGER THAN HIS ! HA HAS HE GOT CAUGHT I DIDNT AH HASso cool right ok later during assembly he got caught again by the same teacher for the same reason in front of the whole school for long hair ah has how embarrasing and he was like mouthing j ho you die ha ahs i win !!!chow people i need to go back to studying my sexy poa bye