The used zipped off sleeve hoodie!
I want this so badly =(((((
www.theused.net check out the other hoodie!
Our horses vomit blood hoodie
But still i think this is nicer! i so must get this once im back
She had a dream last night wherethe ghost of her past came haunting the times of her lifejust another nightmare all over again The skies were never so blue the grass never really breathing all that would be left of would be the remnants of those statues 1999She couldn't breathe the ever flowing amount of people the whispers not the stares Tearing Like an absorbent sponge to be held down once again The lights of san francisco the notions of yesterdayfailing thrust into frozen capitailsed icicles dark as winter She saw her dad last night for one more timefading into the shadows of uneven plantations never again once more The lines began to swirl the thread of hope dissapearing turn away from the light the light at the end of the tunnel the clock ticking She needed air the lights of forever yesterday ticking her wings earthbound unto memories of the present The sunset once more the final sunrisetill darkness invades the final midnight gone Haunting, Breathing, Tearing, Failing
Fading, Dissapearing, Ticking,
My name is Jonathan I am 17 this year I lost my dad when i was 11 I should have been beside him but i was not My name is Jonathan I am 17 this year I took the loss hardest 6 years has passed by everyone got over it except me My name is Jonathan I am 17 this year 6 years I dissapear Consumed into darkness The impending darkness My name is Jonathan I am 17 this year I love the carpark I find solitude and peace there My heart is in a mess not twisted I assure My name is Jonathan I am 17 this year I lost too many people and im going to loose more the world is naught but cruel My name is Jonathan I am 17 this year I prayed to god asking for a miracle those that belonged in a childs mindI asked for some company or some assurance Nothing My name is Jonathan I am 17 this year I have a step father and a step sister I feel no connection No matter how nice they can be I feel nothing My name is Jonathan I am 17 this year I used to love going to church But now I don't get the point anymore I go there to find peace And everytime i call The phone rings endlessly My name is Jonathan I am 17 this year I am empty I am cold 6 years on going My name is Jonathan I am 17 this year I grew up too fast Never enjoyed much of anything that smile you see in those pictures what smiles? My name is Jonathan I am 17 this year In my darkest hour I asked No one replied I lived two years with a lie a lie so that my family would be at peace My name is Jonathan I am 17 this year today again I asked today again I saw nothing I got through everything by myself but in the times when my body refuses again i see a whole lot of desolation My name is Jonathan I am 17 this year I have been charging ahead for somethingsomething in which I do no know My name is Jonathan I am 17 this year Their life is perfect mine is not thank you me My name is Jonathan I am 17 this year I feel empty Like a worm eats through an apple the hole you see multiplied My name is Jonathan I am 17 this year I am a sad soul My parents are happy My siblings are happy Me I am Neutral My name is Jonathan I am 17 this year I am? I never knew My name is Jonathan I am 17 this year god enjoys his humour I was made this way I did not go astray God you have your laugh I'll entertain My name is Jonathan I am 17 this year I dont know what to believe in anymoreMaybe everything was made up I dont know Made up to console to answer the Unanswered questions My name Is Jonathan I am 17 this year I hate my lifeDo you? (but no matter what you still made me smile) and you still do -Desolation, Destruction, Derailment, Depravation