I went for Cosfest on saturday. i went with nicole and ting wei. well it was rather fun and we have decided to cos play together =) well i was expecting estelle to be at the cosplay but i didn't seem to spot her, until now, 
ah hahaha estelle looks so sien!! anyway she must be proud she got caught on cam =)
and i didn't know jessie cosplayed. either that's not her, or my, that person seriously looks like her. i seriously think that is jessie.
Now this 2 are my favourties!! POKEMON ADVENTURES SERIES GOLD AND SILVER!!holy.! i'm like what's pokemon got to do with manga. then i remembered there is a manga haha i've stopped reading the manga ready. its awesome. the story plot is nice. i'm not posting the rest of the photos, all these photos have been taken from nicole's blog go there and check out the rest =P lazy i'll blog about hancock soonLabels: the days im out