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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

and of lollipops too

Ripped from Spazzy


Name: Jonathan Ho

Date of Birth: 26th July YAY SUELYNN!!

Birthplace: sadly singapore

Current Location: Even more depressing Singapore

Eye Color: Not sure

Hair Color: NOt sure either

Height: Not sure too!!

Heritage: I refuse to be a chinese

Piercings: 38461784678461784

Tattoos: 5673726378461

Favourite: Band/Singer: The Used BERT MCCRACKEN IS AWESOME !!!

Song: I caught fire!! The used

Movie: Princess diaries

Disney Movie: Disney's recess!

TV show: Heroes season 3

Color: Black is not a colour

Food: Something exotic

Pizza topping: Pizza is sex

Ice-Cream Flavor: Ice cream is yum

Drink (alcoholic): Some punch

Soda: Mountain dew

Store: Singapore is so limited

Clothing Brand: none

Shoe Brand: nope

Season: Singapore has only summer and summer AND SUMMER !

Month: jan feb march april may june july aug sep oct nov dec are all the same

Holiday/Festival: gave up on christmas two years ago

Flower: i give them to people =(

Make-Up Item: Freaking eyeliner!! i miss you

Board game: Something at those cafe

This or That

Sunny or rainy: Rain (but not now)

Chocolate or vanilla: CHOCOLATE!

Fruit or veggie: Fruits

Night or day: night

Sour or sweet: Sweet

Love or money: d'uh

Phone or in person: no preference

Looks or personality: d'uh

Coffee or tea: Tea TEA TEA !!!!

Hot or cold: Ice blended!

Your Goal for this year: As always

Most missed memory: dont want to remember

Best physical feature: heh

First thought waking up: Press snooze and go back to bed

Hypothetical personality disorder: schizo

Preferred type of plastic surgery: 0.0

Sesame street alter ego: I always like the dustbin guy

Fairytale alter ego: Not fairy tale but show. SYLAR !!

Most stupid remark: cant remember

Worst crime: heh

Greatest ambition: heh

Greatest fear: heh

Darkest secret: heh

Favorite subject: heh

Strangest received gift: too many

Worst habit: too bad

Do You:

Smoke: o

Drink: o

Curse: Like a gvian =D

Shower daily: yea

Like thunderstorms: No thunder

Dance in the rain: Loves

Sing: Like a cow

Play an instrument: few

Get along with your parents: Dont care

Wish on stars: Which one? We have mooopy tooly jellio.....

Believe in fate: HA !

Believe in love at first sight: heh

Can You:

Drive: Yea at the arcade

Sew: NO man i suck at knots and strings

Cook: Yea better than spazzys greenish egg *note: spazzys egg was green as there was some slime she cooked on it*

Speak another language: English!

Dance: heh


Touch your nose with your tongue: too short

Whistle: yea

Curl your tongue: yea

Have You Ever:

Been Drunk: I have control

Been Stoned/High: Too many times

Eaten Sushi: Yea

Been in Love: yea


Made prank calls: *hello!!!!=DDDDD*

Sent someone a love letter: I got a few =D

Stolen something: rofl

Cried yourself to sleep: Like briana always do

Other Questions:

What annoys you most in a person? EXTREMITIES !!

Are you right or left handed? leftie ! go eat a goat

What is your bedtime? Southpark

Name three things you can't live without: Phone, Mp3 Wallet

What is the color of your room? Blue

Do you have any siblings? ......


Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? If i dont get murdered or hunted down like some animal ABSOLUTELY

What is you middle name? English

What are you nicknames? too many

Are you for or against gay marriage? never thought of it

What are your thoughts on abortion? lollipops

Do you have a crush on anyone? currently no

Are you afraid of the dark? La

How do you want to die? Deee

What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? 6

Would you take a bullet for the one you love? Singapore doesn't allow guns!

What is the last law you've broken? heh =D

In a Member of the Opposite Sex:

Hair color: nothing retarded

Eye color: nothing retarded

Height: nothing retarded

Weight: nothing retarded

Most important physical feature: nothing retarded


| Into My Thoughts @ 2:45 PM |