i got severyly touched today !first person i shall honour not in order of merit like duh! WANZHEN ! SPECIALLY FOR YOU!--------------------------------------------youre the freaking best never met friend i ever had man ! ha has you touched me with your tiny fingers!seems like im the 1st person who said that to you ^^. sorry for neglecting you for ages wanzhen. i've been extremely busy! just remember im always here for you no matter what happens! let the scorns of the world be deaf to you ! and the second person! RACHEL!!!! MY GREAT PRINCESS BUG OF SOME WEIRD KINGDOM!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------its the simple things you do that touch my heart. its just those simple stuff you do that make me completely mesmerize by you. lets be together forever and not let stress get to you. I LOVE YOU RACHEL and i've been pretty busy lately so im also sorry for neglecting you! thanks for all those happy memories i shared with you lets make some more magic with just our simple hands and minds rachel! <3and this person due to sudden rememebrance NORMAN (short and simple)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------been neglecting you too. sorry been pretty busy because of that belemut thing so yeah youre still one of my best friend even though youre miles apart and i know this message to you sounds gay but it is what we think that matters most and not what the world thinks!and one of that best person in my whole entire life that i've never ever got to thank MY DAD!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hey dad i really miss you. even though you will certainly not be able to read this. i want to thank you for always being understanding. youre the greatest dad in the world. sorry that you had to go so early. i really miss you. because of cancer you stayed at home for 3 years fighting the sickness. but it was you who did the best thing. you took me down everyday without fail to wait for the school bus. and you waited for me to come back. even though you were always reading on the bed. but you were always there for me. you were the most understanding person i've ever met till now. and it was till you departed that i realise how great you were. im sorry for being such a ungrateful person i seriously love you. if you had one more day to live with your perfect health restored to you, i'll spend the entire day with you. and you can bring your friends along and i wouldnt mind cause its the only one proper full day that i get to be with you. we can go fishing the art in which you never taught me. that would be nice wouldn't it. just one more day with you, would be extremely great. yea i want to see you again and to be with you. if best it would be forever. i love you dadand now another great person that gave birth to such a great son MY GRANDMOTHER.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------grandmum i love you! and i know you will never be able to read this cause you dont understand english. thanks for all those happy memories you gave me. i love you grand mum, for rising me up for 3 years when my parents couldn't. you took care of me like your own. i love your grandmum. furthermore, every saturday that the family come over, you would cook a feast. and its certainly difficult for someone like you for you're getting older. but that doesnt matter. youre still young in my heart. and knowing that washing of plates was a hassle, you went to but paper plates and disposable chopsticks for every saturdays meal. i love you granma and i wish you would stay with me forever. and for all those out there who i never thanked and whom i regard as a great friend.i love you guys for being with me. LET HAPPY MEMORIES SUFFICE NO MATTER HOW SAD YOUR LIFE IS. IT MAKES YOU HAVE A GREATER LOOK TO THE WORLD AND THE PEOPLE AROUND YOU. AND ONCE MORE TO MY DAD WHO ISN'T HERE WITH ALL OF US. I LOVE YOU DAD!!!!
ok super short post speed post today went for drama after that went to MJC FOR TRAININGpeople were nice there ok chow !
wheeee today is the day i got older. lol 1st things 1st woke up and rememebered to bring extra shirt. FIFI WARNED ME !so its pretty crap today is thursday and i needed to bring my maths file which is like what the hell. thursday somemore! heaviest bag of the week day! so yeah woke up and switched on my phone and first thing i saw was PRINCESS MESSAGE omg so sweet! thanks girl! so on the bus msg her left right ^^. then went to school did the same old thing sat there and stare into blank space. and then went to briana there, i thought i saw her studying and freaked out. i wentt here and relaise she was doing homework and went back to sit down. after a while , a very long while, jas briana and sandra came over to say happy birthday 1st! sandra came and j ho happy birthday than started hitting me on my back 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 lol 15 htis on my back lol but the hits would = pat lol after that on the way back to class, shu yuan said happy b day and sang me the happy b day song and started wishing me some weird stuff.then in class briana said weird stuff. DURING ENGLISH LESSONS! she said when the kite is seen flying straight up into the sky, its called perpendicular to the sky lol and also vertically! then she said this weird stuffbriana: then like that flying machines = to metal thingy with wings! me: i went laughing like crazyshe was retardedly funny! then i received 2 messages from amelia the so called "cute" cousin and my great uncle wishing me happy b day. then those people who i didn't expect to wish me happy b day like esther and wei xin wished me too! ok so i lazy too blog alreayd chow!
today was a funny day you want to know why? let me explain JORDAN GOT CAUGHT FOR LONG HAIR TODAY AND THE LECTURE WAS SEVERE WHA HA HA HAS!wha ha has so funny heres the scenarioin the early morning, jordan came to school and than the first thing that happened was"boy come here come here" i was sitting there staring ah ahshe went ove rha has and went into the general office FOR LONG HAIR HA HAS MY FRIGGIN HAIR IS LONGER THAN HIS ! HA HAS HE GOT CAUGHT I DIDNT AH HASso cool right ok later during assembly he got caught again by the same teacher for the same reason in front of the whole school for long hair ah has how embarrasing and he was like mouthing j ho you die ha ahs i win !!!chow people i need to go back to studying my sexy poa bye
today i shall blog about something serious but may in turn be crappy. i don't know why not you choose.today's topic is WHY ARE PARENTS INSECURE WHEN THEIR CHILD TURNS TEEN!1stly we got to consider why parents are being such asses. THIS IS BECAUSE THEY ARE INSECURE! insurance wont insure their security feeling. as you see, parents need their childs, you know why, cause without them, it means once they are old and useless, they would have nobody to depend on except their siblings. which is after all cool huh. thats why parents are insecure. take this example.some guy hit 15th and his whole life is int turmoil due to his family, all he wants is to be left alone and somehow those insecure freaks just want you to talk to the you know why, cause they need their children once they are old. its the word NEED not want.why do you expect old people working as cleaners a mcdonalds then? its because they lost their security. the secure they need for their old age. isn't that pitiful, this is what happens when you lose the insurance you got to secure you for your old age. namely your child.let me ask you, where did all these phrases originated from, blood is thicker than water, your friends are only substential and your family is with you forever. don't you realise they all originated from parents? now you get it dont you, parents knew they were going to be insecure when their child hits teens and they might lose their child forever. thats why they come up with this type of phrases. if this was a source based question than you would be required to state the purpose. well the sick purpose of these phrases is to allow the parents to at least shed some light into their insurance that they got namely us. now we carry on to somethign related, different types of insecure parents.1st type, those who scream at you everyday telling you your family is more important than your friends.2nd type, those who lock their child at home and nurture them to be fine adults (so called ) so their kids are forced to go home eveyrday3rd type, those who totally thinks that their child is rebellious and drags them to counciling.4th type, those who have super close relationships with their child but infact they just want to be secure for their old age.so these parent are just worried for their old age, not anything else. thats why you see lets say this teen dies and their parents go to the funeral weeping bla bla bla. the answer to why they are weeping is not because they lost their flesh and blood. the answer is because THEY LOST THEIR INSURANCE OF OLD AGE THATS WHY THEY ARE WEEPING. the toughts that go through their mind would be dang, i just lost my one and only insurance noooo. whos going to take care of me in my old age who. my husband/wife cant take care of me, their old too. you must be thinking this is a very selfish way of thinking BUT THIS IS HOW THIS WORLD THINKS! WHY DO YOU THINK GENIUSES ARE SENT TO THE ASYLUM, WHY DO YOU THINK PEOPLE WANTS TO BECOME CELEBRITIES! ITS ALL THE SAME BECAUSE THIS IS HOW THE WORLD THINKS ! as you see, parents are infact just like you and i. they just want to be taken care of when their old. thats why all these crap about them being once a teen too is all rubbish and rubbish only. if not WHY DO YOU THINK OLD AGE HOMES ARE SET UP. ITS BECAUSE THOSE PEOPLE WORKING THERE REALISES HOW THESE PARENTS THINK AND THUS THEY ARE SENT TO THE OLD AGE HOME. AND YOU KNOW WHAT THEY WOULD THINK THESE PARENTS DESERVES IT. THE OLD AGE HOME IS JUST SET UP BECAUSE OF THAT SIMPLE REASON ! so people if your parents just start crapping at you again say this YOU ARE INSECURE!
i realise i've been seriously crappy these few days, i've blogged about flowers that makes no sense, that dumb 1min left to live thing and urm a few more craps i think. well than no surprise i shall blog about crap today.today's crap topic PRIVACY why do we need privacy,when do we need privacyhow do we obtain privacy, (is it even possible??)so firstly why do we need privacy, well for simple reasons like, you want to be emo for a while, urm you're out with your bf/gf and you want some privacy and the most important one of them all YOU ARE A INTROVERT!!!see those are the different points of why privacy is required, for instance, you're out with your bf/gf and you two are smooching at some isolated place, somehow some people you know pops out and say hi! isn't that absolutely ridiculous?! hmmm next you want to be alone, and somehow your family just keeps bugging you for no particular reason, isnt that rdiculous? 3rdly you are an introvert, a serious case one well you dont even want to open your mouth and yea you shut your self from other but the rests just keeps bugging you, another ridiculous scene.
now we move on to when do we need privacy its actually very simple, it only consists of 4 words and these 4 words, well these 4 words even a primary school kids knows it. these 4 words would be
its that simple, but somehow people are overlooking the word NEED. so with this word need, we shall proceed on to another topic called
its in fact very simple, wants is like you see something delectable and you just get it on impulse without even thinkin of the use that it will provide for you. well need however, is something in which you buy with this simple tought in your head, this is very useful and i would be using it for the rest of my life. yea something like that.
ok so we went a bit far well back to the topic
point 3 how do we obtain privacy?
well infact the answer is right infront of you, kill all the people you know and than you will have privacy. yep do that ha has and just dont get the death sentence.
the answer is absolutely simple THIS WORLD DOES NOT HAVE ANY TINY BIT OF PRIVACY !!
you must now be thinking, this guy is a nutter, you get privacy at your home. WRONG !
day by day, i realise something is seriously wrong, and none of us realises it! something drastic would happen soon, something like the latest saga that cause 2 friends to be seperated. those who knows about the saga should know what i mean.well the air around us is changing, there is a different current, a foreign channel of current that was never there before. is it a bad or a good sign, things are changing day by day and yet we do not know. and those who belong to this great gang, please THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG BUT I DON'T KNOW WHAT!!! its the drastic feeling that something terrible is going to happen. so let me be a bit crappy and ask if i had only 1 more min to live and you all were at my death bed what would you all say to me ^^ tag the answer for if we do not realise how important our friends is, than there would be no use for having friends. and if you value my suggestion than i suggest you do 1 more thing, go around telling people what you really want to tell them if they had only 1 min to live ! go aorund and do that and spread the love around !
this post is for yesterday
yesterday me, taufiq, briana, shuyuan, jasmine went to watch the SUNRISE!!!!!!!! i'm abit lazy now so shall not be saying much. after that went to swim and yea got roasted. jordan came along around 10++++++. ok so here are the pictures

taufiq and me!

jas, briana, me and tau

me, jas, shu y, tau

me and tau how emoish!


a beyootiful heart

sy, jas, briana, tauf, jho!

us again without shu yuan

how saddening, you see!!! i didnt draw this!

us again without briana

us again and oh i love my finger !

me, tau and shu y, urm we look disorientated

Create your own Friend Test here
today i shall blog about flowers. too all people out there, when you are given flowers, DO NOT REJECT THEM EVEN IF THE PERSON IS A COMPLETE LOSER !!!!!! let me tell you whyfarmers, they work their back hard at work. they plow the soil everyday to grow those beautiful plants ! see spring is the best season to uproot a plant and sell them. farmers will sell the plants like mental during that season. as you can see, the poor farmer doesn't earn a lot. one flower to the stupid salesperson would be like worth only $3 or something.! if they sell 100 flowers, they would only earn $300. and then you have to cover up the rent and the daily expenses of the farmer poor farmer. i know what you are thinking currently you are thinking about wth would buying a flower for a particular person affect the farmer. well let me explain it to you.so flowers are sold in those flower shop. well you see some nice guy get a bouquet of flowers for this girl. this guy is a complete nerd and he is meeting the hottest chick, a "all guys dream" girl. so this nerd get a bouquet of flowers and walks up to this girl and hands them over saying they are for her. the girl rejects the flowers and walks off saying that the nerd has been a total embarrasment to her. so rejected, the poor nerd walk to the dustbin and dumps the flowers away. so from now on, the nerd will not buy anymore flowers for anybody because of the rejection of the bouquet he bought. so than the flower shop that he usually patronizes, he will stop visiting that flower shop. than to cover the costs of the flower being shipped in and the rental of the shop, the flower shop owner will reduce the amount of flowers shes shipping in. so then the flowers being shipped in would be reduced. so than the poor salesperson would than reduce the amount of flower that he is getting from this poor old farmer.now you must be thinking OMG ! POOR FARMER! well read onso than the salesperson would order lesser flower right! and then the poor farmer would have a lesser income of his average earning. but the flowers he grow would be still the same and the rental of his house and the land the same. SO PLEASE PITY THE FARMERS AND ACCEPT FLOWERS EVEN IF YOU DONT LIKE IT.another scenario (accepting flower)nerd gets a bouquet of flowers for this girl ----------- girl accepts the bouquet----------- nerd realises that flowers work in the love game----------- nerd gets more flower and he become extremely happy ( see its that simple and you would make someone happy)--------- flower shop owners sales increases------- she gets more flowers from salesperson------------ farmer gets more orders--------- more income for farmerISNT THAT NEAT. just remember do not reject flowers pity the farmersITS THE SIMPLEST THING YOU DO THAT PUTS SMILES ON MANY PEOPLE FACES!
today was so not my day.1st woke up glasses frame got lose tried to tighten it. didnt work. so went to school with a scotchtape around the dumb ol frame2nd had chi lesson principal came in and AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH at us! for what notr bringing chi dictionary. 3rd during pe me and wayne went netless. so couldnt play a proper game of badminton4th had a mathematics class test today (hope can pass)5th during chem cher came in and made the whole class stand for like 20mins6th school ended went to west plaza hoping specs would be fixed. the person told me to go to where i got my specs from and get the spare part like eat you man! so today as you can see was rubbish day so let the day carry on being rubbishhave a rubbish day today ^^ and tomorrow for those who are reading
omg rachel is so nice omg omg.she went like omg whoever who teases you, i'll make sure i go box their face ha has so sweet.ok i know i've been an ass. i've neglected wan zhen and its her hols. omg so sorry!ha has anyway wanzhen was being crapo today as usual she went like urm oh yeah she told me to go to her blog. and there was this evaluation thingy that shows you ur from letters A-Z what type of person are you. so lets say urm if your name is like jonathan than the letters of j o n a t h a n will have meaninigs ha has. so tomorrow would be like having maths and chemistry test. lets hope im right if not i studied chemistry for nothing. there will confirm be maths test tomorrow chem im not so sure ha has. so well lets hope i dont get like border line again for chemistry and urm NOT A FAIL FOR MATHS omg! i dont care if it is a class test ok i need to pass argh! anyway reena is back in singapore. go reena! reena is coming to visit the DRAMA THIS WED OMG I WANT TO SEE THAT IM TALLER THAN HER HA HAS !!! REEENA IM GOING TO BE TALLER THAN YOU =P . in fact i dont have much to blog about today so chow !
people scold people for reasons that are proper. well check this out.m.o.m: the fridge got grape you want you go take it yourselfme: orh (opens the fridge not realising it was so small that it could not be open fully and accidentally slams it)m.o.m: what is your problem, you know how to take care of things want a not. me: accident rightm.o.m: go wash the grapes lame:(goes and wash the grapes f.y.i the grapes are seriously big and each one of them contains seed and some people has such solid teeth that they eat the whole entire seed into their mouths and doesn't notice it going down their own bloody throat)me: this grape has seeds (like duh some assed people just doesnt realiase it)m.o.m: dont bluff la i today bring to office all i eat all no seedme: you try la i eat all 3 all 3 has seedsm.o.m: you take already you better eat horhme: i dont want eat lem.o.m : oi you dont because of seed only you dont want to eat ok dont waste my moneyme: its not nice lom.o.m: whatever la i give up la i dont want to buy fruits for you all ready la so ungrateful let me ask you people you'll have heard of this phrase one mans food is one mans poison. well the food tasted extremely revolting k it was like every bite is like eating hard rubber. how nice is that. another exciting installmentm.o.m:( gets home)me: i next friday going out horhm.o.m: you dont tell me this type of things ok you got money mehme: got what i still got the $30m.o.m: that $30 is my money ok what happen to the $100 _ _ _ _ _ give you me: that one for bag and shirt one wad i use my own money to buy the shirt okm.o.m: i dont care ok bla blabla la bla blame: oko kokok ok ok i pay you back argh!!!for starters i dont owe her any money. she was hinting so clearly she wanted the money that that idiot gave me to buy my shirt and bag back. i told her i used it. hellooooo its considered mine k and that monstrous obnoxiouslly moron. so whatever that really does my day. she's like if she doesn't scold me she will die and she will have to scold me everyday FOR NO PARTICULAR PROPER REASON!!!! its like if i murder someone or steal something i get scolded ok. BUT FOR A STUPID FRUIT THAT EVEN Y BROTHER DOESN'T LIKE WHAT KIND OF REASON IS THISdont you guys love my life