Your's emoness
Yes tomorrow would be prelims.
and i feel extremely pressurised.
Why does everyone think i'm smart???
when i know i cleary am not !
Tons of people are expecting me to get A1's and its not only coming from my parents
its coming from like everywhere i go.
Oh well anyway on a brighter note, i have realised that those people
who post a lot a lot of photos of themselves on their blogs gets tons of hits!
its like people only want to know about the outer beauty and not the inner one.
Oh well so considering the hits they get, i therefore shall follow suit

Recently, i went to some rock concert. So backstage, i took a picture of the lead singer. Dont get jealous people, i got his autograph too =)
(its damn obvious that, THAT is me)

(yes britney type hair thing)
And yes this lead singer is one of the latest and hit groups that has ever come to town! Their songs have top the charts of Timbaktoo top hits list, songs like, THE ALPHABET SONG, THE NUMBERS SONG, THE PLANET SONG, THE DAY SONG, THE YEAR SONG and of course THE BARNEY SONG!
Yes so this is another photo of the pop singer person type thing.
and now for the ultimate picture of this person the most ultimate one that made briana laugh her ass off.

(yes i know i look hot in eyeliner)
This is why i love drama! We get to do whacky stuff and get away with it, without people commenting like
person 1: EH YOU SIAO SI BO (eh you crazy is it)!!!
person 2: #%@#*%! YOU THINK EMO COOL AH!!
person 4: I'm so much hotter la~~
person 5: SI GIN NA LE SI LIAO (damn kid you die already)!!
yes this is the weird people we face.
Oh well without that hair , On with the eyeliner and if i was wearing white,
people have said that i would look like this

I know its such an insult that someone as fugly as me will end up looking like that guy over there which girls have said to go "oooooo" "ahhh SO CUTE" "AHHH SO KAWAII!!"
yes the amount of weirdness we go through and yet no one seems to realise the weirdness we go through.
I will not camwhore unless its some whacky picture like the one above (rachel is going to kill me for using the word camwhore) yes camwhoring is so not fun unless you have some thing weird on you =) oh yea no offense to those people whom i just randomly thought out. if you are in one of the above categories please feel free to ignore my post and also treat it as a no offense type thing.
-sadly, people only want the outer beauty of people but not any of the true beauty that lies within
Labels: another day thinking deeper into my thoughts