Have you ever thought about dying?
Have you ever thought about dying? have you ever imagined yourself dead? I know its a bit too early but the thought just came to me For I certainly have. For me, its not about the pain,for me, its the loss or memories. I dont want to loose my memories, they are too precious. just imagine, dying and you know you died, you're in a better place but you loose all your memories. All the memories you held so dear all the memories that made you remember the loved ones around you all the memories of the people you truely loved and they all just get washed away, wiped away CLEANYou loose your memories, not knowing who you are, who you loved, only knowing that you're dead not emotionally but physically and mentallythats what frightens me about death i dont want to loose my memories the thoughts that i have loosing my memoriesfeeling helpless not knowing what to do again amnesia is as bad as death you loose your memories but at least there are people around to tell you make you remember who you are who they are but when you die all your memories gone no one there to help you your existence erased from the face of the earth nobody remembers nobody to remember just like that you loose you concious selflike you went to sleep except longer a dreamless sleep a sleep that is forever I dont want to loose my memories the people i hold dearly I know its too early but everydaythere will be people dying and some of them are really young isn't it time we give thanks? for living for a good long 16 years and maybe with more to comeDying, loosing your memories loosing the existence people forgetting you forgetting those people we've lost they continue living in your memoriesbut what if what if you died and you lost your memories i'm afraid, i wont remember the people whom i lost i dont want to loose them its a reality i must facethat i know but i want to remain in denial until that day comes and if i were to die, i want to die with my memories my memories will continue living inside me and that it wont be erased but is that possibleI don't want to loose my memories
it's as if i lost a lot
because the people i lost
thhey continued living
in my memories
Labels: another day thinking deeper into my thoughts
Your's emoness
Yes tomorrow would be prelims.
and i feel extremely pressurised.
Why does everyone think i'm smart???
when i know i cleary am not !
Tons of people are expecting me to get A1's and its not only coming from my parents
its coming from like everywhere i go.
Oh well anyway on a brighter note, i have realised that those people
who post a lot a lot of photos of themselves on their blogs gets tons of hits!
its like people only want to know about the outer beauty and not the inner one.
Oh well so considering the hits they get, i therefore shall follow suit

Recently, i went to some rock concert. So backstage, i took a picture of the lead singer. Dont get jealous people, i got his autograph too =)
(its damn obvious that, THAT is me)

(yes britney type hair thing)
And yes this lead singer is one of the latest and hit groups that has ever come to town! Their songs have top the charts of Timbaktoo top hits list, songs like, THE ALPHABET SONG, THE NUMBERS SONG, THE PLANET SONG, THE DAY SONG, THE YEAR SONG and of course THE BARNEY SONG!
Yes so this is another photo of the pop singer person type thing.
and now for the ultimate picture of this person the most ultimate one that made briana laugh her ass off.

(yes i know i look hot in eyeliner)
This is why i love drama! We get to do whacky stuff and get away with it, without people commenting like
person 1: EH YOU SIAO SI BO (eh you crazy is it)!!!
person 2: #%@#*%! YOU THINK EMO COOL AH!!
person 4: I'm so much hotter la~~
person 5: SI GIN NA LE SI LIAO (damn kid you die already)!!
yes this is the weird people we face.
Oh well without that hair , On with the eyeliner and if i was wearing white,
people have said that i would look like this

I know its such an insult that someone as fugly as me will end up looking like that guy over there which girls have said to go "oooooo" "ahhh SO CUTE" "AHHH SO KAWAII!!"
yes the amount of weirdness we go through and yet no one seems to realise the weirdness we go through.
I will not camwhore unless its some whacky picture like the one above (rachel is going to kill me for using the word camwhore) yes camwhoring is so not fun unless you have some thing weird on you =) oh yea no offense to those people whom i just randomly thought out. if you are in one of the above categories please feel free to ignore my post and also treat it as a no offense type thing.
-sadly, people only want the outer beauty of people but not any of the true beauty that lies within
Labels: another day thinking deeper into my thoughts
She needed a holiday, to escape, escape from the world. She needed to Run Run away from the horrors, the horrors that plague the streets,She could not endure any longer, That hypocrites shuold not exist, that this world could be a better place, sadly she knew that this world would never change, She needed a holiday, to escape, escape from the world. But she knew, she couldn't. She was nothing amazing, nobody great, She was neither rich, nor was she pretty, Her grades were average and she knew that there was no place in the world for averages. She wasn't street smart, She wasn't book smart, She wasn't good at sports, nor was she good at arts, She was just average. She felt useless, a good for nothing, having no one for respect, nobody know whether she exist,all she wanted was some recognition, but the title given to her would be The Girl Next Door. That ordinary girl, that girl who stayed next door, that girl who is seen taking the same route everyday but nobody cared about her She needed a holiday, to escape, escape from the world. Into a world, where there wasno hatred, no poverty,no sadness, no jealousy. n0 loneliness,and this world where she would live in, she would be happy, happy and contented, free from the burdens of the world, free from the cruelty of the world, free from the hatred, the lies the cheatings the hypocrites the above ones the disrecpectful the greed the loneliness the what ifs and the fear of living another day another day, another day of routines emptiness sadnessand this was who she was She prayed to god praying for an answer an answer of why did god create her when she was nothing but average and she was clearly good at nothing, was her purpose to be just someone invisible? because no one sees her, no one hears her, her thoughts are ignored, her existence unknown. and she sits by the lake hoping for an answer an answer telling her who she was meant to be
-She needed an answer, but all she got was
emptiness, loneliness and sadness
is this who she was meant to be?-
Labels: Another day thinking
It is during these times, that we see the true horror behind the masquerade we all live in. We have all seen the competition that made this place cruel We have all seen the selfless actsknowing only for themselvesIt is through these times that made me realise that this world IS cruel. no wonder the wars the poverty and the unhappiness. the backstabbing has begun and now it is what they would call survival for the fittest and i have see through these eyes that what these people are fighting for, is basically nothing. because all they want is that sinful piece of paper which change thise world so much now that it is pracitcally in Ruins. It is during these times that i have seen how horrible the world has become and this horribleness does not only apply only to the adults but mostly this horribleness has been passed down to their offsprings the future generation and it is during this period i see the countless cracking under the stress the many losing themselves and many others losing their humanity why do they change? to something much more horrendous than what they already are Or is this the true them? Have they finally taken off their masks? for this world now is nothing but a room holding a party known as Masquerade.Are these truely the friends we made?or did these friends manipulated you ?Did they only think for themeselves? Have they ever thought about you? maybe i'm no one to commentbecause i'm just a spectator at the sidelines watching the game the game in which makes this world a "better" place- i am no one to comment for i am just a spectator
at the sidelines
and there would be this question
etched in my head
it this what the world truely is?-
Labels: Another day thinking
Have you ever wondered about the people above?
Have you ever wondered about the people above?
why is it that the people above are always the smart ones
but the decision they make
often leads to what we call stupidity
Why is it that he commoners below
are often deemed stupid
when what they understand is what those above do not
And those above would tend to say
that those below are dimwitted
and do not understand how their plan works
but one thing is defintely for certain
the people below knows
that the decision those above makes
would result in more lives being loss
more casualties.
Because those above are greedy
they are never contented
they are biased
that's why family members normally become members of those above
because we know that democracy is just a word
its nothing but a word
that covers what truely lies beneath
and yet the people have no voice
they have no say
they are afraid
and those people who died at war
those who died
those who belived they were fighting for their countries sovereignity
they died for no cause
because of this
lets all rise
and sing a hymn for the dead (tribute to those who have died in war)
Song Hymn for the dead by anti flag
Sing a hymn for the dead
Because in death as in life
we are one in the same
Sing a hymn for the world
To avert eugenic errors, go!
The sun sets, the light fades
The blood red on an empty street
It's not night, it's not day
It's no more, for an unfortunate soul who
Witnessed his life violently erased,
From the horror of the human race
Bright futures exchanged for profit, living half alive
Sing a hymn for the dead
Because in death as in life
we are one in the same
Sing a hymn for the world
To avert eugenic errors, go!
In life now pay respects to your blood
Those in the vast of the great
Unknown, unite there, your heart's one
in moments you'll never forget, yeah
History lessons direct from the grave
Lost souls of the lost divide
Liberate your generation, living, rotting flesh
Sing a hymn for the dead
Because in death as in life
we are one in the same
Sing a hymn for the world
To avert eugenic errors
Call out tyranny!
A spark of dissent can light a fury of flame
Call out to be free!
Sound off! Be the voice of a generation
Dissent! You've got a choice to make
Sound off!Be the voice of a generation
Dissent! You've got a choice to make
Strip away! Be the voice of a generation
Strip away! You've got a choice to make
Cut away! Cut away!
Strip away! Strip away!
Cut away! Strip away your chains!
Sing a hymn for the dead
Because in death as in life
we are one in the same
Sing a hymn for the world
To avert eugenic errors
Sing a hymn for the dead
Because in death as in life
we are one in the same
Sing a hymn for the world
To avert eugenic errors, oh!
Taken from Source
Hymn for the dead by anti flag- A tribute for the brave souls who fought for nothing-
Thank you anti-flag for producing a wonderful song
I hereby declare that i am not against any from of government practices and am only voicing out my thoughts. I am merely stating my thought and i would not be responsible for any anger or hatred towards this post from other parties. any disagreement from other parties is redundant and should be treated as only Point of views. I am not responsible for any complaints and any other form of action to be taken bla bla bla. If this post has been offensive to anyone, it should not be treated as a attack but merely as a point of view from a ignorant person. I do have freedom of speech. I do not take any credit except for the poem above. However if this post is deemed as offensive, it should be treated as nothing but merely a point of view. I am just sharing my thoughts with the world and whatever the world choses to believe in is none of my concern. I do not have any intention to spread propaganda or any intention to influnce the way of thinking in people. i am only voicing out my thoughts and what the thoughts are should be left to be as my thoughts and nothing else. this post is merely my thoughts and any action taken against this post would be redundant. This post is merely about me and my thoughts and people who find this post in anyway discomforting or rude or whatever bla bla bla should stop reading and erase any memory of this post from your mind. I hereby declare that i am not against the government and whatever practices they have once again i declare that this is my thoughts and that any comments or any displeasure should be regareded as redundant. I too declare that i am not anti government. I did this because i have freedom of speech.
Labels: Another day thinking
N2 artwork revamped !!!! part 2
Now presenting the artwork that was marked by senoir art person thingy WAYNE CHIA Drum roll please * DRUMS DRUMS DRUMS*
wa la the amazing beak. (just in case you can't visualise, tilt your head )
N2 art work revamped !
currently in school now well yesterday during mother tongue,well mother tongue after the O's is like a waste of time, wayne and i was bloody bored so we did something creative !! So a Nursery 2 art work was revived. (guess what i scored 72/100 for this piece of work) how humiliating. we did something pretty amazing. well i'll post the photo later when im at home. the photo is not with me now . i'll post a short post about my thoughts than It is here, where i realise that everything is not cut out to be whatever it seems because everything around is nothing but pack of lies and not matter how much contribution you make it all boils down to whether they recognize you exist because i have seen the system in a school like mine and frankly, i'm certain it can be better the chaos which i saw was unimaginable, underserving of it, deserving of itall these people, they got the same results, which degrades the better ones and they would have lost their self worth because they realise the time they wasted the time in which they can spent on more productive stuff is wasted purely wasted when people around you gets the same result. in which they never did do much and what about those people who are hypocrites who thought their marking criteria are the same who thought that they are better because they got a better resultwhen we purely know the different marking criteria and obviously which one is stricter and yet we get crictisised because they got better we know the difference we know which group gets better grades because the marking scheme is not strict not stringent and it is the tricks in which won them that underserving and unneeded award floaty head we have done more but we are not recognisedthey have done less they are recognised evidence is lying everywhere but it is those on top who refuse to believe in the evidence which results in those below having their future ruined because what those on top believe is that everybody deserve a good future but it is because of this they made an irony where the same results result in a future of demise it is because of this we know there's no point in doing all these anymore we know we should have spent on time on better things because we know that those above turn their noses in front of evidence to make the organisation their in Rise which makes them fal l harder we have agreeed we wasted out time in this organisation because we know whatever we contributed was all in vain it is what we did that was not recognised
it is what they did not do
that they didn't see
it is the difference in the strictness and the marking scheme
it is those who are got the results
that they deem themselves as god
but they do not know
the difference in the level
they are in and we are in
it is in this organisation where we loose all our hopes
because we know we will never
be recognised
because we are nothing but
anchovies in their eyes
Labels: another day thinking deeper into my thoughts
He wish he had wings. why is he just a mere mortal and nothing more ?why couldn't he be someone special?why is his soul trapped in this fragile body? This body without elegancewithout grace without poise average looking average smartness average body he was nothing but average he wish he had wings so that he could go to the girl who stole his heart so that he could protect her and be with her always he tried to do that without wings but he couldn't he wanted so much just to be with her but he couldn't he was too weak he was too pathetic all he is would be average and the countless times he tried he failed no matter how hard he tried he failed and the rare chances that success surfaced, an unforseen circumstances would appear he wanted to make her happy but he couldn't and the countless times he wondered what was going inside that head of hers he never could come up with an answer he wished he was something extraordinary nothing of the normal or the average but he wasn't he wasn't dazzlinghe wasn't smart all he had was his wild imaginations which was completely useless in these situations he wanted to be someone more someone someone someone but he was a nobody all he wanted was wings to take him across boundaries
of which he could never cross
Labels: Another day thinking