A tribue to the Cca where nobody grew up
It was his home, a home away from home, it wasn't school like what many people thought but it was a room inside the school. a special room, where everything was a joke. this was where he spent his happiest moments enjoying every bit of time he spent insidethe craziness, the madeness, the nonsense and the wonderful people it was a place where he grew up a place where he's inner child roam a place rather where nobody grew up. The clueless steroetyped that the room was for guys with an influx of Y chromosomes. but the guys inside, were nothing like the stereotyped image they were all proper, straight and pretty strong. yes and the best part was, some had girls. the room was a escape route an escape from reality, from the coldness of the world, from stres from demands from deadlines from wars from disputesthat was a room, where all worries dissapeard. the room, was unlike any other room, the people inside were great friends, friends you know, that will never forget you no matter where you go,friends who would be there for you, friends with hugs that felt warmer than a burning fire place in winter we screwed up majorly,as long as we're in the room, but we had fun, we broke rules countlessbut we had fun, we got locked, oncemajor fun! we made a fool of ourselves in publiclaughed at tiny dicks major fun! we performed, cause we belonged on stage and we had fun we bashed for birthdays and made a mess of walkways and clearings major fun we scrawled and vandalise never got caught and we had funwe were nomads oncebut we fought for what we thought was right such politics we screwed the school majorly and we made sure our voices were heard such politics we did busted campaigning, screwed them majorly such politics
such fun.
The room where the drama kids own. drama kids rock my earmuffs off!the room where there were no rules
no laws
no policies
just fun
lots of love
Labels: splendid stuff
And she stared at him, giving him the 'fuck off' lookwhat was his problem? she thought to herself. what was his issue? so what if she was not as smart as he is,so what if she was not in the same class as he is, even though she achieved better grades, so what if he learnt more things than her. so what?she hated him, loathed him, spits at him, but she never speaks up. they used to be friends, he still think they are but she knows he sucks . She lit the lighter and burned the picture. Insensitive that's what he was and she knows, she wasn't the only one. People used to like him, until they knew him well, than they shunned him avoid him. Who asks stupid questions like "are you ok" when the person practically doens't want to talk about it. Who trys to be nice, when he himself knows that she hates him.He thrives on people who's brains are so called "lousier than his" just because he's in a better class. She hates him loath him spits at him Manipulator he was, one who thinks he can control, but she won't be controlled by him, so what if her sciences knowledge was worse than his he should have stayed back one year and learn to be a proper man people who don't know him, see him as distinguished, gentlemanly and rich what a girl would want. but no, he was uglier than all that a wolve in sheeps clothing that is who he is. Every sentence he says to her to him, it seems like trying to start a conversation but to her, he was mocking her. examples____ is the top in level for pure sciences but he's struggling in __you think you can meh? Do you have science practical examinations?You lucky you're in your class your subjects are so easy, I think i want to take POA. Its so easy Eh. you never go to ____ school ah? i'm going ___ because i know i will struggle in ____ No la you're smarter than me and when she told him, that she wanted to go to __ he started some granmother story, which made her super pissed. who was he to mock her? who was he to be two faced? Nice to girls, horrid to guys, extremely competitive, a devil in disguise She knows better to steer clear from him she wanted to say fuck off in his face but she knows that that wouldn't be wise she wanted to punch his poorly constructed facebut she knows that he's face is too hard to be dented she wanted to give him the cold shoulder, but he keeps popping back "Stop trying to use everyone bitch" she screamed at his burning face but no response was heard. He's a flirt, she knows he pervs on pretty girls, she knows he treats guys unequally, guys were thought as just friends, girls were thought to be much closer for someone like him like the paintings on a clowns face his smile wasanother lie trying to be nice another freak another trash another liar another blind another deaf that was him, with another mouth that shoots without thinking that was him, and she sweared that she, wasgoingto prove that bitch wrongYou're not my friend
i was blind to see
a friend in you before
i'm not making that mistake again
go away
and dissapear
Labels: Another day thinking
and everyday was another masquerade parade
She complained, complained to sarah about the people, about those those who parade in a masquerade those who bore scaly skins those who made the world, a colder place and sarah understood she knew about this long ago that's why she avoided the paraders. she wanted these thoughts to end not the thoughts of hers or melissabut the thought of those, those peopleThere were no known words to sarah to describe these people No proper words because everything they do would be taken to the extreme, and all they needed would be a leader and the rest would follow follow suit and in the end a word known as a 'clique'is formed. extremist that's what people would call them and it goes overboard until the word hatred blossoms into fruits and the followers slowly leave them realising they have been used used and manipulated people who wears masks yes that was them a masquerade parade 'two-faced' sarah called them 'Liars' other's called but mainly annoying Like puppeters, they controled Like clouds they control Like the above they control but their regime would be short sarah knew she knew that everything was yet another viscous cycle unless someone breaks out stops the cycle and the cycle no longer exists another masquerade parade another masquerade parade another masquerade parade
another masquerade parade everyday was another masquerade parade
another facist
another lie
another rose painted black
another pretense
another scarred face
another coating
another masquerade
another masquerade
Ok i presume that this is not really good. well my barain ain't functioning nowSo pardon the lack of deepness
Labels: Another day thinking
The ending of another beggining
Ain't this an appropriate title no? Exams has ended and another one will soon began and after that another one will come again and it is the end of the exams but another examination will began it is the ending of another beggining. So she sat at the window ledge, waiting, waiting for what comes ahead but she don't know, she doubted, questionedwhether she would be somebody one day, because she knows, where she is now, is a place where people would grow up to be only nothing but average, the ending of this average period the beggining of this average period, she wants to break out, but she knows she can't, she hope she could, she wanted to be somebody, but she knows she can't but can I? she questioned herself she stared up at the sky, the dark clouds covering it, it was going to rain just like the society out there, everything was dark, and every day was a rainy day, where the ray of sunlight, is only enjoyed by those who are not average, the world out there is cruel and there is no place for averages she wanted to stop being an average but she doesn't know whether she can she doubted the rain came streaking down, splattering onto her face, a streak of blood oozed out of her cheek, just like society, where she knows that an organisation is just a name where you need to look out for yourself and never trust anyone or you'll be cut cut deeply with a gash left upon forever to be rememberedjust like the cut on her face the cut told her that something as innocent as a rain dropcan be deadly, vicious and unforgiving just like society just like society why does a word like society exist when what it means was people of the highest level society has no place for losers but what have they changed this word into she asked herself she was average she knows it but her classmates sees her as a god someone who could do many things but to her, she knew that all these were nothing incredible she was in an average class has a average score an average life everything of hers was average, nothing of hers was not average she wanted to break out of this average she needed to she screamed, but no sound was heard, not a single sound, because the world was cold cold and unwarm the people made the world cold even though global warming is occuringthe people turn a deaf ear to those of an average and you would see the boot lickers or what Sarah would like to call "stuck ups" licking onto those above so as to "reserve" a seat therethe world was cold and averages were left to suffer a feather came falling and landed beside her, out of placein the rain just like me, she thought she was an average but was mixing with the aboves all because she wantedto get out of the average but was it working? she has become what people in societies would call an outcast she felt she doesn't belong with her current group of friendshe knows she doesn't belong in the class of hers she was the odd one out people looked at her with one glance and they would goweird but she doesn't bother about the snide remarks she wanted to belong belong belong why was she an average an average of avaerage proportion she was neither prettynor was she a cheerleader sarah was just an average girl just like, the girl next door she was the girl next door and boys dont go "hey gorgeous" nor do they go "get lost monster" they don't notice her they don't know about her she was invisible the rain continued to pour dissapearing behind the landscape invisble just like her invisible she was invisible The below were seen and heard The above influnces but the middle they remain anonymous unheard silenced she prefer to call The middle, they screamed but no sound was heard they spoke but not a single sound they whispered and again nothing nobody heard them nobody wanted them until when a crisis occur do they come knocking on the door asking for help but when sarah needed their help they turn away flicking their long silky hair at her face telling her they had no time they were busy but what they had said sarah knew was true, they had no time for her but she had plenty of time for them Her family was what a girl would call average the usual nagging the usual scolding the broken up family where a stranger comes in to act as a substitute but she knew that a sub could never take her dad's place she knew that she had taken her dad for granted her real dad gone she wished it wasn't true but it was she wanted to see him again feel him one more time talk to himand feel his love even though it was never obvious because that was her dad her dad that used to love her her dad that used to walk her to school her dad that used to sit with her and just talk her dad promised her things but she knew it would never be fulfilled now she wanted to see him again she needed himshe closed her eyesand made up her mind she was not needed nobody needed her in the world and she could think of all the positive effects if she was gone if she was gone there would be one less person in the world,someone better would come take her place if she was gone there would be on less average and someone from the above would come take her place if she was gone her parents wouldn't need to waste their money on her and the money would be used to make her sister an above if she was gonethere would be one less person to ignore and one more person to be noticed if she was gone there would be one less person to feel the coldness the emptiness of this world if she was gone she would be noticed by her familyand society but they would only mourn for a whilebut it would be enough if she was gone there would be one less boy left with a broken heartand there would be one more boy with a heart burning with passion if she was gone there would be one less person to teach and one more middle will attain abovenessif she was gone there would be one less person eating and one more person who stop suffering from malnutrition if she was gone there would be one less person to appreciate but one more person to remember if she was gone there would be one less person to miss her dad and one more person to feel his love again if she was gone if she was gone if she was goneshe stood up and leap leaped into the emptiness beneath her leap into the unknown knowing the world would be a better place without her knowing the world won't be needing her knowing that she would not be taking up space knowing that nobody would remember for long knowing that the sadness the people would feel when she was gone was only temporary and with those thoughts she landed onto the cold ground below without a sound from herwithout a noise around her until the silence was lifted from her did the sound of a 'thump' was heard and she stayed there motionless eyes closed the life sucked out of her a gash across her cheekand a smile across her face smiling because she knew
that the world would be
a better place
Labels: Another day thinking
Stop screwing my future greenview !
Yes today, last paper of my prelims and i'm not happy.infact i am extremely displeased with my school! The inefficiency of the school! greenview secondary schoolLet me give you the details! (the following details are facts based and acitons happening during the time of 9.30- 11.30) Ok firstly the seating arrangement was changed based on the different subjects we were taking. Due to this seating arrangement change , i was positioned to sit at the very back of the hall. Trusting in my teachers that they will normally colour the word on the whiteboard on the stage that indicates the time, i was prepared and ready to get a 1 for my food paper. Yes prepared and ready So the paper begin and normal people would scan through the instructions and every detail on the front page. and yes that's what i did. And the board showed above through my eyes were seen like this on the left Add math paper9.30-1200(4e1-4e2)
On the right Add math paper 9.30-11.30 ( ok this is the old syllabus)[a line seperating this] followed by DNT 9.30-12.00 [another line] followed by ART 9.30-12.30 yes so that was all i could see so a normal person's assumption would be ok DNT until 1200 means food is also until 1200 BUT NO!!! there was a lapse in the school efficiency and there was a miscommunication !! I HAVE PROPERLY PLANNED MY TIME TO END AT 11.50 WHEN I SAW THE BOARD!!due to this lapse of communication, i was doing my last essay question on food which was a 15 marks question!! look at the markage, 15 marks a difference of 3 grades !! By then it was 11.25 and i was happily beggining my last question.! I QUOTE THE NEXT STATMENT IS A QUOTE! an announcement was made at 11.25 "ok sec 5 students taking add math you have 5 more mins left* in my brain it was like ok add math not my problem so i was doing and after that 5 mins later this was the announcemnt it was pretty garbled so i heard something like *4e3 4e4 food and d&t students 5na add maths students your time is up!* and at that moment i was freaking stunned! the board clearly wrote 9.30-12.00 and you know what i saw next this was what i saw on the leftadd math paper9.30-12.00(4e1-4e2)
on the right add math paper 9.30-11.30 and a pathetic scribble which could be barely seen from the back wrote F&N and Dnt (a line) DNT 9.30-1200 ARt 9.30-12.30 AND I BECAME FREAKING ANGRY ! turns out the inefficiency was discovered MIDWAY DURING THE PAPER ITSELF!! which normal person would waste time to look up at the board when you're busy scrawling the answers on your paper! YES THE WORST PART WAS THE SCRIBBLING WAS ONLY SCRIBBLED AT AROUND 11++++ WHICH SCHOOL HAS THIS TYPE ON INEEFICIENCY??!!!! and yes another thing look at the allocation of subjects time above. Add math on one side and the rest on the other side WHICH SCHOOL DOES THIS TYPE OF THINGS??!?!!?!?!?!? IT DOES NOT BALANCE OUT AND NO DONT GIVE ME THE CRAP ABOUT THE STUDENTS TAKING ADD MATH SITTING ON THE LEFT AND THEY WOULD BE LOOKING AT THE LEFT WHITEBOARD! I'M A LEFT HANDER SO I NATURALLY LOOK TOWARDS MY LEFT AND OBVIOUSLY MY LEFT EYE VISION IS BETTER ! In a society like singapore, where half the population or more is infected with a situation known as myopia I DON'T KNOW WHICH SCHOOL DOES NOT TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION THE PEOPLE WITH MYOPIA!yes even in classes when you cannot see, the teachers asks you to change seat with someone at the front. Yes this is being considerate during exams efficiency of the staff is extremely important and normally and i saw it with my own eyes during O's Mt exmination, THE WORD WRITTEN ON THE BOARD WERE SHADED TO ENSURE THE PERSON AT THE BACK CAN SEE!!! and this is what happened today , the words were not shaded, even though they were written big! the marker ink was light so light and with the poor lighting of the hall. the words has to be read with squinting eyes! Yes that was what was happening! AND WHAT WAS WITH THE BOARD?? MAY I ASK THE SCHOOL?? IS IT PURE BIASNESS TOWARDS THE STUDENTS TAKING ADD MATH SUCH THAT ONE BOARD IS SPECIALLY RESERVED FOR THEIR EYES??!!! may i ask you that a gross score of the school is determined by HOW WELL THE GRADUATING STUDENTS PERFORM ACADEMICALLY!! NOT SOLELY BASED ON THE ELITE CLASSES! yes i admit i'm not smart not in the elite classes BUT SINGAPORE IS A DEMOCRATIC COUNTRY AND SCHOOL SYSTEMS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO PRACTISE BIASNESS!! and the pledge clearly states this PLEDGE OURSELVES AS ONE UNITED PEOPLEREGARDLESS OF RACE LANGUAGE OR RELIGION yes that is what the pledge says look at that one united people regardless of race language or religionREGARDLESS OF RACE LANGUAGE OR RELIGION!! THIS MEANS EQUALITY AMONG STUDENTS AND NOBODY IS ALLOWED TO PRACTISE BIASISM! AND YET THAT WAS WHAT THE BOARD WAS SCRAWLED WITH UNEVEN BALANCE OR RATHER BIASNESS !oh god damn it ! WILL THE SCHOOL STOP SCREWING MY FUTURE??!?!because of this stupid miscommunication and inefficiency, I WILL NOT BE ABLE TO GET A R5 BELOW 20 AND I WILL NOT BE ABLE TO GET THE 1 WEEK BREAK BECAUSE OF THISIS THIS WHAT YOU CALL JUSTICE?? IS THIS WHAT YOU CALL FAIR TREATMENT? and the words scrawled on the wall one is PROACTIVENESS!! CAN I ASK YOU MY DEAR SCHOOL? IS THIS WHAT YOU CALL THE PRACTISING OF PROACTIVENESS??!! do you think it's very fun to screw a person's future??!!! can i ask you that? IS IT BECAUSE IT WAS THE LAST DAY OF THE PRELIMS AND THE TEACHERS WERE GETTING LAZY SO THEY WOULD BE LIKE "heck it, last day no need care so much" IS THIS WHAT A SCHOOL IS SUPPOSED TO DO?!! ESPECIALLY DURING A MAJOR EXAMS LIKE PRELIMS WHERE STUDENTS TREAT IT AS A MEASUREMENT ON HOW WELL THEY CAN DO DURING O'S is this what you call fair?! dont give me that crap of the world being unfair it doesn't apply except to pessismists I am extremely certain that this type of inefficiency would not happen during O's because if something goes wrong like this, the whole matter would be brought to MOE and so on and so on ! yes they don't want trouble, I don't want trouble too, but with this type of inefficiency and injustice, i am extremely displeased?? i am certain parents would not want to send their child to a school with such inefficient unfair and injust attitude.I am certain i hold to all sides of the arguement and anybody displeased with the way i phrased the post should come looking for me and discuss this in a civillised way.
There is so much more to the soul than what you will ever be able to see
There is so much more to the soul than what you will ever be able to see or hearor feelIt is the secrets that we keep that make us the monsters that person in the mirror the one you thought you knew Thoughts were the building blocks of everything you know the government were formed because of this word thoughts the world was formed because of this word thoughts the telephone, the computer and you were made because of this word thoughs but why are thoughts now worth nothing but a penny? why is no one paying heed to what is going on in ones mind they chose to focus on those things that were not deem to be important if thoughts shaped the worldwhy is it worth only a penny? have thoughts been disregarded? or have we, in fear of ourself make our thoughts something worthless so as not to take heed of the thoughts you thought we all live in fear, fear of death darkness insects punishment disasters unexplainable events but what we fear most is that person in the mirror the person you thought not to exist but carries on living inside you your body, a host your soul shared it is this person that we fear that makes us go to extremes we live in doubt doubt of ourselves our capabilities our abilities our purpose our existence we live in doubt doubt of the people around you those you thought to belive in the materials in the world the people you don't knowso we hide ourselves from who we really are so that society will not condemn because of this doubt but isn't a doubt, still a thought?doesn't everything begins with a thought? Why is it, nobody can read anymore nobody can see the suffering the hurt the homeless those in denialwhy is it we have lost the ability to read to read the people around you and to feel what they are going through the thoughts in their mindswe no longer read we no longer listen and we no long feel have we become dead? or are we who we fear most? the thoughts the thoughts the thoughts the countless thoughts the deepest thoughts the vast thoughts the thoughts the thoughts the thoughs -we no longer read
we no longer listen
and finally
we no longer
Labels: another day thinking deeper into my thoughts
Bookworm !
Hello! I haven't blogged in a pretty long while. well i've been pretty busy with my prelims half over and now being the holidays,
( HOLIDAYS WHOOOOO!!! NO MORE SCHOOL!!! WHOOO!!!) well this is the first time im actually so hyped up about the holidays.
because you see currently the school has finished the syllabus a LOOOOOOOONG LOOOOONG time ago!
and so the lessons in classes are
god well its actually pretty wonderful if you get to re-learn those things which you forget. but sometimes its like argh !!! i know this topic ready bla bla bla. well you know what i mean.
Wha'ts with the title? =)
well, i have completed reading 4 books in the month of august ending last friday! four freaking awesome books and i still have 2 more books to go!! =)
Yes twilight by stephenie meyer
one awesome story!
well i got these books like after my birthday but i read them like what 2 weeks later? which is like 2nd week of august =)
oh well everyone knows about this book so i shan't do any review stuff.
its basically awesome!
(zetsu bookmark!!!!) 
Next in the series obviously new moon. i realised that this book is better written compared to book 1 twilight and i enjoyed it more !! yes the plot was awesome.
(Deidara bookmark!!!)
One of my favourite book in the series. well I like it much better because its so sad!! =) seriously well this book was pretty draggy at the start i took pretty long to complete this. Yes it's really awesome and i really pity Jacob black. Poor guy. sigh!!
(Sasori bookmark!!!!)
and i bet you guys will expect me the next book to be breaking dawn the fourth book that was release not so long ago. well let me tell you YOU'RE WRONG!!!
This is one awesome book!! really awesome! one of those best fiction christian books i ever read. Seriously! The books touches the soul more than the mind. This is what i called a soul book! and well i happen to chance upon this book while i was at tampines regional library! THIS IS AWESOME!!
On every side by Karen Kingsbury
seriously awesome!
anyway this book is about a guy named Jordan Riley who was hurt extremely hurt. (and by hurt i mean emotionally and mentally) Jordan riley the main characther in this book waged war against jesus and well basically thats how the story came about. A lawsuit against the town of bethany where he used to grow- up. The lawsuit regarding the statue of jesus standing in the middle of the park. and well it shows how the walls around Mr riley's heart got taken down.
Yes go hunt the book and read it. I absolutely agree with one of the critics who said he/she needs a box of tissues everytime she reads Karen Kingsbury's book.
This book really touches the soul and the heart.
Yes and i'm left with two books whooo i can't wait to get my hands on them!
the next two books
James patterson maximum ride series. (god sorry about the photo)
One awesome writer brings you the thing almost every kid ever dreamt of.
Having wings!
well this is actually the 2nd book i bought in the series considering this is the first book and i bought it second yea The irony. Well i'm done with the 1st book i bought of the maximum ride series. AND I REALLY REGRETTED BUYING THAT BOOK!!! AHHH WHY DID I NOT WAIT!!
so the 1st maximum ride book i bought was
And why i regretted buying this book was
Lets take a look at the adult cover shall we!?
seriously this is the adult cover! its so nice! =(
yea so i'm going to start devouring the 1st book of the maximum ride series like today!
ok next up the final book that i'll read
The secret by Rhonda Byrne
ok well i admit i bought this book by mistake! This book has no synopsis or anything at the back! So i was like the secret?! eh sounds nice so i bought it. I didn't know it was a non-fiction book. However, i flipped the pages and boy this book isn't that bad compared to the other non-fiction books i have. I'm not a really big fan of non-fiction book but yes this isn't so bad! =)Ok i bet most of you are going omg this guy has no life! no life! yea i agree too =) the hols aren't so bad actually. so enough of books i recently watch a movie, you know those re-runs they show on tv?
well this is one awesome show
Image urlOk i know you guys are going this is a kids show bla bla bla but heck some kids show have really awesome plots and they are really meaningful. I mean who doens't want to re-live the perfect day over and over again? well this kid, he got his wish and he was stucked with re-living the last day of summer over and over again! pretty awesome show he realised that living the perfect day over and over again can be a real drag and well go watch the show to find out! well lucky him, he got to re-live the day over and over again so he could fix the day properly! So, that's the interesting stuff that i've been doing the past one month, unless you count studying doing something interesting and going to school, tuition, and my daily routin! ahh!! yes awesome i'm going to get the maximum ride series. oh and yes i can't wait for the power of five series by Anthony Horowitz the 4th book The necropolis to come out in bookstores!! QUICK COME OUT !!! I WANT TO READ YOUyes anthony horowitz is a super amazing writer that makes you not want to leave the book alone seriously! ok this is the end goodbye
Labels: splendid stuff