A really randomful day
Today was a random really randomreally random day! So basically, wayne and I only planned to go to downtown east to eat Fish& Co. express for lunch!And turns out, we did a whole heck of a lot more things thereFirstlywayne and I debated over whether the cashier at fish & co express was from greenview secondary school NextAfter eating I wanted to check the prices of escape for the guild outing thingy! So we went ! While checking, a idea popped into our heads so both of us applied for a job at escape theme park Something really annoying annoyed wayne and I while walking back and fourth the whole Downtown There was this random nebo guy who kept bugging us trying to give us flyers. He's details will be kept secret becaus what was annoying was his ______ and ___ After that I decided to go disturb Jasmine at her work place, Lucky for her, we couldn't hunt her down On a really random note We went to play Bowling! yes Bowling and for once! FOR ONCE !there was no waiting list. Being the lamers we are, we chose the lamest background for the bowling score sheet.OUR DEAREST FAIRY TALE THEME
Yes it looked like that ! how splendidful! (please note i completely suck at bowling, guess that showed you how bored we were.)After bowling, we saw some random couple entering the D marquee thingy ! So we followed suit and we saw a free Rehersal of some upcoming performance Yes i know we are good!!!So we were really getting bored and it was only 2 + thus we toured the whole down town and we found the location in which Bedok south secondary had their prom! After nearly dying from boredom i proposed that we go annoy Bryon and Jordan at their work placeturns out Bryon was working a different shift from Jordan so we couldn't annoy him properly! So the only one who got the poor torment from us was Jordan poor guy=(
Bryon docking off after a hard days work at Sheng Siong Super market.
Jordan stil working at the casheir counter at Sheng Siong super market
Jordan was really annoyed so he turned away and ignored us haha !Yes and with all those little things done We wasted out time from 12-nearly 4 which just perfectly cures my boredom oh and waynes too !Labels: Random, the days im out
So he screamed screamed a sound so sad that the plants withered and die No wonder he doesn't believe when he looks back and reads or rather watch the texts written in blood on the times he has been let down The smell of metal that red goo hardened permanentleft ontothat text Where the numbers scrawled beside the words were never ending ever watched those cartoons where the kid has a uber long list for santa Well that list is seen short in the red text Maybe hes shouldn't expectexpect anything because it always happens and he should get use to it they say the third time is a charm but did they ever hear that the third time is a bane thrice it happened thrice in a single day how much can this poor soul take to believe in nothing but thin fibreshanging on a thin line of the word faith have faith in me they say but he doesn't knowanymore maybe its betterto just throw it all awaycast away this already tattered and torn soul into the sea of nothingnessto be away would be better?so he questioned Labels: Another day thinking
The voices around me will they just shut upgo away leave me alone I just want to be left alone Maybe its the time i do not know but solitary existance made prolongedmight have a impact I'm losing myself in a sea of questions never answered so screw it and buzz off Nobody respects the decisions i make is everything i do wrong? or was it just your biasedness that made me do what i do today I turned to the blade the slick figure small yet deadly like a cobra only venomous to ease this pain Penicillin or none it doesn't matter it never works this pain what is it? This word that is etched into your head can you get it out because that word does not apply for us Don't butt in when you shouldn't Don't stay away when you shouldn't but you do and i'm sad Who am i to believe in anymore the people with their masks the people who aren't people So scream i shall but nobody hears this scream the scream that is most frightening the scream that no one hears We are troubled but none of them knows We are troubled but we don't show it not to you to peoplewhom we cannot trust are you empty? cause i am empty are you all alone cause i'm empty i'm hollow The smiles are they lies to put on just for show they say you use 25 muscles when you smileno wonder its so difficult I have issues but its not your problem you dont have to carebecause the issues came from you You may have more sense than me for all i careyour sense is clearly wasted because from what i see you're blinded and the lion sleeps inside and when it wakesi suggest you stay away because dinner would be readyand the main course would be you and youLabels: Another day thinking
The much awaited post is finally here !! Below is a photo of the amount of pilot rexgrips is have used in the entire sec 4 yearIt may not seem like a lot but trust my count them and you'll freak out ! Enjoy !!
Now this photo was taken on the last day of O's Wayne and I went to Tampines Ikea for breakfast and lunch! and being the usual lame ones !we spotted some wooden figurines and know the photos you are about to see are rater NC 16 and may not be suitable for people with childish minds Enjoy!!
I call this the seducer !!
You may not be able to see it cause its real tiny but enlarge it man ! look at the wooden figurines legs!!! I call this Caught red legged!The next set of photos you are about to see is of a TV crew in GVSS, they were recording some show at our basketball court! These photos were taken during study break.
The actresses bags! please note that the main characters are girls
Such big shots! royal treatment can! They need the crew to help them hold the umbrella!
The camera crew Belongings!
Setting up!!
I dont know what this is! wayne told me its a high up camera I think its a microphone !
Eh this is damn style! they actually have that train track thingy for their camera like OMG!!
These blue people are the supporting actors! they are supposed to be some little kids playing basketball! and please note that some of them are actually quite good!The next photo you are about to see may be disturbing to some of you! What you are about to see may shock you and make you faint! This was taken before graduation ceremony that inbetween time slotNow watch!

This is awesome! The guys who did it really meant it! yes this is what happens when people feel that the school isn't doing enough! that my dear readers is a burnt school uniform!
And finally prom night! Prom night was only fun like after 9 + maybe because i was half dead or somethingI didn't had time to do my hair! i sort of went to far east before that and met my friends quite lateanyway these arent all the photos that was taken. I'm still waiting for dear stanley to come online to send me the photos in his camera These photos consist of Muhaimin, Amirah and ME! and this is called upholding Drama!!
That idiot picked my up like i weighed like a feather serious!! Muhaimin, Me and Amirah!!
Haha this is a real funny photo! Amirah and me were supposed to seduce the camera!somehow her face got butchered off! haha !
Now this is the proper one! Dam i love drama!!
I don't know Wth is that silver thingy in my mouth No.1 I was not eating anything No.2 I do not have lip piercing No.3 I am not wearing lip glossNo. 4 that is not my saliva Therefore my only conclusion is that the silver thingy is the light reflection!
My Drama Bestie !!Me, Amirah!
Dance floor! Please note that the dance floor was really small!!
Dance floor again! 
Don't ask
Please do not take this photo for grantedI rarely become a poser! So yes this is my whole Prom outfit! I am not a poser XDI really can't believe i did thatLabels: Random, splendid stuff, the days im out
I asked a thousand times (But will the answer ever come)
Why is everyone trying to control, What am i suppose to believe in, I do not knowAnd i've asked a thousand times For the answers which will fill me Never a reply or was i just deaf Being held against his will is there more to this or is there none? I questioned sought but still i am without an answer And people think that they knowthe Real Himbut who are they to say that if He himself does not knowwhat he is People who walk down another path is it a crime to not take a path that makes sense? because everyone who goes on to that path are forced to come back against their own will And i've asked a thousand times
For the answers which will fill me
Never a reply
or was i just deaf Why do i feel the sadness in which people feel Why do i see into them and see the weariness the sadnessthe haterd in them eyes So i asked a thousand times Over and Over again but what am i doing is it working at all? Is all this a fallacy Will someone answer me because none of their answers ever make senseare we to believe in somethingonly by what we call faithAnd againi've asked a thousand timesFor the answers which will fill meNever a reply or was i just deaf again over and over again but never a reply Not a reply or was i just deaf (deaf) (deaf) I tried to throw away the life i left behind but in the end i walked back into it If this is the life that i need to be able to survivein the once thought square planetI'd rather not live it Maybe it's time that i left away to another placesomewherewhere i can find peace So I asked a thousand times For the answer which will fill meNever a reply or was i just deaf For i leap into the air embraced by its arms falling freeinto nothingnessnever coming back or was i just deafThis is a production by me and anybody whosoever who wish to reproduce this copy or edit this is strictly forbidden to unless permission granted from the producer. Credit must be given when this work has been copied and so on.
Labels: Random
Ok i just went to watch this

Ok time to be critical !
Show was nice, song's were uh so so i guess. Well the plot wasn't really well done. High school musical 3 seems to concentrate more on the choreography and the songs. Ok they have really great dancers there like that urm don't know his real name "rocket man" is one great dancer.
Sigh I was hoping to see the prom scene which was stated on the board of that prom committee thingy. But no it didn't came out, unless you call Zac Efron and Vannessa Hudgens dancing in uh stanford?
Ok as usual Ashley Tisdale was awesome, except she plays a lousy Gwen stefanie is it? or was it Madonna? Ashley Tisdale is really amazing i mean i watched The suite life of Zack and cody and she played a poor school girl there. I can't belive it her acting is like totally awesome.
Ok i don't know the guy's real name. Ryan evans was great along with Chad.
Oh and high school musical 3 itself used a lot a lot a lot of animation. Like the sudden random basket ball flying in that was totally animation! They sort of used one of those performing arts stages, which is i don't know weird? Maybe it's for the sort of final performance thingy thing. But oh well!
One thing i liked about the show was more or less the random changes of costumes those were awesome man !
It's like pause, change. ACTION! Real awesome. High school musical one itself was more on the plot, not too much singing. I guess Hsm 3 sort of overdid it. I was sitting in the seat and i was like oh my god please don't tell me she's going to sing again, or i was god he's going to sing again.
Ok no offense. But when i saw the lead cheerleader i was like oh god! *shuts eye* But hey ! she changed my mind ! She can really dance man! Omg She is another one awesome choreographer. Movie was pretty long, about 2 hours +-.
So overall i would rate the show like 3/5
1. animation too much
2. songs and dancing abit too much
3. plot should link more fully
and that's about it !
oh yea
this is the show that Ashley Tisdale acted in

Labels: the days im out
Because i dont know who you are anymore
She shouted in a place where voices were pre recordedbecause She couldn't shout in a place where voices were spoken from lips because of you the one who made her life miserable where everything she did was never enough everythign she did for youyou couldn't see because you've changedno longer the person you were once no longer the one who taught the right valuesand no longer the onewho followed what you taughtbecause you're blinded by the one word in which you missed by the man who came in because you were lonely and she understoodwhat you needed she closed one eye and the horror began because you thought that everything he did was right and everything he did was worth following because you were once the one making the decisions you needed a break from making these decisions and have your desires fulfilled because you were lonelyand she knew that;s why she kept silent throughout and no matter how she didn't want it to happen she knew her thoughts were nothing compare to the majority and that it was redundant because she knew whatever she did was never enough whatever she did not do was always seemed as something gravebecause you were stressed she knew but she wondered does that give permission to blame someonefor a crimethat she didn't commit does that mean that whatever you've taught no longer has to be followed and what happen to living by example because she was innocent you blamed her and you started questioning about the two words known as family communication she knew someone known as ____ but that someone is not you because you've started forgetting how to communicate and you didn't realised it for you saw your age as someone who wouldn't make trivial mistakes like forgetting how to communicate and when you made a mistakeinstead of saying the word in which you STRESS so much to be heard from her you just kept silent or go with a word O if not you go back to pointing out what she blamed the innocent for and that you were not in the wrong because SHE DOESN'T KNOW WHO THE BLOODY HELL YOU ARE ANYMORE SHE KNEW YOU FOR A VERY LONG TIMEAND THAT COMING FROM HER MEANS YOU BETTER LOOK AT WHAT IS GOING ON Labels: Another day thinking
I just read someone's blog and now im sad I havent seen you in 5 years i really miss you. I read elsewhere and i criedbecause it reminded me of you. Will you be at the observation deck, looking down here looking at the words that are being typed onto the screen now. Things have changed a lot Everyone's changed nobody's the same anymoreI'm sorryfor all the times i shouted for all the times i made you feel inferior for all the times i took you for granted. I miss your cooking I miss your silenceI miss your rough hands I miss making leaflets with you I miss going down to the park just to talk to you I miss going swimming with you I miss watching you play computer games Everyday i walk to school from the bus stop There would be this Dad and his son the dad would walk his son all the way to the school gate before going to work I dont know who the son is But i do know his dad loves him very much You did that too you waited with me for the school bus every single day and sometimes you would wait for me to come home but i didn't appreciate didn't care I wish i could get into your head and knew what you were thinking because the times i spent with you were really short I rememeber you took me fishing once your favourite activity and we carried the fish all the way home only the two of us I'm older now butI wish i could go fishing with you again I wish i could watch television with you again or even go down to the park just to talk You tried your best in connecting but i was the one who wasn't connecting Why did you smoke? could you tell me why? even though you did it secretly and i didn't find out until it was too late Why had you do it ?I regret now never praying for you maybe its because of me that you left because i didn't do anything but just sit at the sidelines and look I miss your lame jokes they were lamebut they were funny and sometimes i would take ages to figure it out I wish i could know how you feel during the times when you needed to see me talk to me most i was never there I wish i could feel the pain in you because you were a strong man and never showed the pain behind your gritted teeth I wish i could have spent more time with you when you were too sick to go out I wish i could have stayed once in a while with you I wish I wasn't so useless and patheticunable to do anything but just look and stare at you suffering How are you doing? where ever you are can you listen to my thoughts can you see into me can you hear my screams I don't know but i hope you can. and i wish i could be you for one day so that i can appreciate you more but now i guess it is too latetime cannot be reversed it can only go forward I wished i didn't go to school on that day I wished i went to the hospital with mum. I wasn't beside you when you left I wasn't there I wish I was to be with you on the day you left Why did i make myself believethat everything was going to be ok the day you left why did i go to school one day wouldn't hurt i wasn't there when you left I wish i were Now everytime i see kids with their dads Dads who work to support the family Dads who walk their son to schoolDad's who are always the one Who gets taken for granted I would be reminded of you and i would tell myself that that would be you if you weren't sick Everyone told me to prepare for the worst that you had to go sooner or later The signs told me to prepare for the worst that you had to go sooner or later But i didn't want to believe I miss you a lot Like there's a empty spot in my heart which can never be healed like i can never be whole once more I wish you were beside me now but you aren't Do you miss us? the family your sibilings your mumyour friends I hope you do I dont wan't grans to go too she's the only one who makes me feel that i am with you and i know grans love me too Screw me why can't i communicate properly why can't i learn the language properlyi want to tell her how much i love herbut i dont know how Do notes in a bottleget to where you are because i would do it To talk to you again If you were still alive do you think you had go to my graduation ceremony I would love to see you there I hope you would talk to me sometimes I dont want to forget you I really miss you